my favourite cat is spooky (he is so CUTE) and i feel a connection with cream (i think her english name is peaches?).... i, too, am capricious and rarely appear.
in terms of progress, my yard is fully expanded and i have the modern appearance (kinda wanna go rustic). i have every cat but sassy fran. i'm working on mementos... that's the only reason i haven't seen her. the kotatsu and cardboard house are out right now, since im trying for saint purrtrick and ms. fortune's mementos. i'll get the cardboard cafe when one of those gives me a memento.
btw, here's a helpful website i found tells u each cat's name, appearance, info, and fav goodies. some cats need special food (stares @ lady meow meow making me poor with my sashimi purchases), but usually frisky bitz will bring 'em around.
also: some tips
- the kotatsu rakes in a decent amount of gold fish
- buy. frisky bitz. it's worth it.
- gold fish goodies tend to make cats leave high amounts of silver fish (off the top of my head, the scratching log and temari ball get me ~20 often)
- LEAVE TUBBS ALONE IF YOU NEED SILVER FISH AND DON'T HAVE CAT METROPOLIS OUT AND/OR THE YARD EXPANSION. /yes/ he's annoying but he can leave 20-50 fish (often near 50!) if you don't replace the bowl until he leaves on his own. if you have the things i mentioned above, feel free to if you want, because you'll easily replace tubbs losses.
- rare cats generally give higher silver fish than regular cats
- dont focus on rare cats at first; imo, get the cat metropolis and some gold fish items (i recommend the kotatsu) to rake in silver fish
- get the yard expansion. not only more cats, but you'll get more silver fish. even if you dont want to buy any items, 500 silver becomes 10 gold.
will say more as i think of them