Im basically copying krista as she made this thread in survivor lobby and i thought it was a lot of fun idk if it will work here or if it has been done before or not but whatever.
Basically if you COMMENT i will pm you someones name you then come back to the thread and comment your opinion on them WITHOUT REVEALING WHO THEY ARE. Also i will not tell anyone who you were given. Please trust!!!!
EDIT: if you're bored and want another one to do just comment.
Both soooo good.
deletedabout 9 years
Not obvious ^
deletedabout 9 years
This person is one of the few non-weebos on this website, and shes pretty cute 2. Stupid abc introduced us, n now we are tight like nuts n bolts. I think shes smart, and pretty, and smart, and pretty and I also kinda joined her family, and made poor sakia sad =( .
Well you pretty much disappeared a few months ago but you still pop in the skype chats some. I never really knew you too well before then, but you have always been a nice and sweet person. Not a mean bone in your body.
Thanks rinlin for giving me the person i despise most on this website.
This person is like thrush really annoying and hard to get rid off. I actually feel like they went through the forums looking for guys who are 'popular' and clung to them like a flea. They use people to get a head on a social status then throw them away when they have no use for them anymore. Bored of them acting innocent when in reality is a female dog. (sensors) Toxic plz ban
whAt the dARN-DIddiLY-dooDIlY DID yOU JuSt Say aBoUt ME, yOU LiTTLe wiTcHaROoNEY? You arE noThinG to mE bUT jUst AnOTheR heaThEn. I WiLL Cast YOUR SiNS oUt wiTh prECIsion The lIkes Of WHICH hAS nevEr BEen SeEN BEforE IN hEAVEn, MarK MY dIdDilY-iDDILLY wOrdS. YOU ThInk YOU cAN GET AWAY WItH SayIng tHat blasPhEmY To mE ovEr tHE INtERNEt? ThInK aGaiN, FRieNdArINo. aS WE speAK I am CoNtactiNg my sEcrEt netWoRK oF evaNGeLiSts across spRiNGfIEld aND yoUr ip iS bEing TRAcEd bY GoD rIGHT noW so yoU betteR PRepaRe FOr The STOrm, MaGGorINO. tHe sTOrM that WIpES OUT THe didDiLY lITTle thINg You Call YoUR LiFE oF SIN. yOu’Re GoinG To CHuRCH, kIDdIlY-WIddIly. Not Only AM i eXteNsIvely tRaiNED In preAcHInG TO NoNBELieVERs, BUt i HAVE acCEsS TO THe eNTiRE DaNG- DIdDily BiBLE cOLlECTioN oF tHE SPrInGfiElD BIbLe COlLEGe And I wiLl usE iT TO ITS fUlL ExTENT To wipE YOuR siNs awaY oFF tHe FacE OF thE COnTInenT, YOU diddily-DOo sAtaN-WorShiPpeR. If OnlY yOu cOULd HAVE kNoWn WHaT hOLy RETRIbution yOUr liTTLE “cLEvEr” cOMMENt wAs ABouT TO BrING DoWn uPoN yoU FroM ThE HEAvENs, MAYbE yOu WOULd haVe heLd yOUr dARN-dIddIly-FUnDGeaRoo toNgUE. BUT YOU coULDn’t, yoU dIdn’t, aND nOw You’RE cleaN oF ALL yOuR sINs, yoU WiDdILlo-SkidDiLy NEigHBorINo. i wIlL SiNG hyMns Of praIsE AlL oVEr YoU AnD YOU WilL dROwn IN THE lOvE Of CHRISt. yOu’rE FaRN-FOODILY- FLank-FIdDIly reborn, KidDO-DIddiLy.
deletedabout 9 years
I'll do one, also hi how you been Charley? :)
i sent you a name and goood thanks i hope you're doing well.
5. You're my bro, theres no one else more similar to my real life friends than you on this site, we're both super fcked up and say the weirdest sh!t but we find it funny. I can talk to you about anything and everything and you always have my back especially since no one really knows me around here anymore. You've actually taught me a lot of new things in general (life stuff) and you're a lot more social than me which is good since anthony was basically the only one who introduced me to new em people and i've met some great people through you. We have similar views about girls and life and just have a blast, keep doing you buddy.
6. dweeby a ss kid who awkwardly hits on a lot of em girls really badly, that said you're like the funny as shole younger brother who'll one day grow up to be great