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Compliment Thread

almost 9 years

In memory of Christopherzilla's original thread:

Post a compliment for the user above you.

deletedalmost 9 years
has always been so nice and sweet to me also has the best emotes
almost 9 years

you have a cute gf :~)

rich and handsome
almost 9 years
you have a cute face ;)
deletedalmost 9 years
you have a cute avi
almost 9 years
amelio is a cool sir amelio is a cool sir amelio is a cool sir amelio is a cool guy
almost 9 years
has good taste in anime characters (mostly for that killua, tho maki is ok)
almost 9 years
you smell good
almost 9 years
you give me #LIFE #LIVING for your #DOG
almost 9 years
i love my haters
deletedalmost 9 years
Your eyes are too far apart. Nose is definitely crooked. The shape of your face is not aesthetically pleasing at all. You look like a 3/10 with make up. I don't even want to imagine what you look like without make up. I actually just threw up in my mouth, just thinking about it. Your head is too big (although that may be, because of your giraffe neck posture) . As for your hair, lol. Seriously, do something. You look like a horse. Stare at your face for more than 5 seconds, and you will see how ugly you are. The eyes which are too far apart is what ruins /damages an already ugly face even further. Unfortunately for you, that can't be surgically fixed, lol. You arms are way too long. lol at how they hang by your sides. Kind of reminds me of lurch. Don't even let me start on your pale complexion. It only works if you look hot. Unfortunately, you do not look hot. Its hard to sum up a creature like you in one word. 'UGLY ' would be unfair , since it doesn't reflect how repulsive you look. GROTESQUE is stretching it. But somewhere in between, is where you would be, on the scale of an average man. I'm sorry if my words seem a little harsh. Just so you know, I sugar coated this post as much as possible.
almost 9 years
so cute and sweet. like a gumdrop. very good
almost 9 years
precious little angel
almost 9 years
cute person
deletedalmost 9 years
V NICE TO ME v funny as well =)
almost 9 years
cute person in every aspect
almost 9 years
Actually not as offensive as one would thing. Also gives good compliments.
deletedalmost 9 years
at the center of every galaxy is a supermassive black hole and at the center of every supermassive black hole is a singularity, a point with infinite mass and gravity, how can something like that exist? how can someone so wonderful as galaxies exist? we can only look on and wonder in awe.
deletedalmost 9 years
an angel. a really bright an artistic soul. did i say angel? an angel.
almost 9 years
Epicmafia's most angelic soul. Beautiful inside and out, she is a beacon of hope in this desolate box of sand.
almost 9 years
nice persn
almost 9 years
deletedalmost 9 years
top lad
deletedalmost 9 years
Hit the gym mate.
deletedalmost 9 years
i'm not even that nice
deletedalmost 9 years

Natalie says

if you're tyler, are you also the narrator?

Uh... I really hate that whole narrator/playing-with-form bs in English, tbh. But sure.