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Ranked sandbox games

deletedalmost 9 years

12 played ranked competitive reportable serious sandbox games. Options are: Only allowed on a certain day(s), allowed every day, or my favourite is a mod hosts 1-2 ranked games each day and anyone can join. Just imagine. If you disagree, state why. This is a serious thread.

Mods, please consider this
10 signed
Sandbox is in need of this
almost 9 years
the good thing about allowing ranked game in sandbox is that they would be completely avoidable and you can keep playing unranked for the rest of your life and no one will care
almost 9 years
tbh only comp-lobby/gold heart people (when it existed) take ranked games super srs anyway, and theyre not gonna touch sandbox. so why the heck not? cool roles in randomised setups means yeah its gonna be ridiculously town/mafsided at times, but who cares its sandbox man

just make it happen so I can make my 100% failure pie bigger

Anna says

EvErYoNe CoMes to sAndBOx For HIgH quAlItY cOMpETITIve pLay. SanDbox bOx is mODErN cOmPETItiVE lObBY anD mAIn iS trAINIng lOBby. THis iS SupeR IntELLiGeNT IdEa! 10/10! hAhAHhAHaha iS aM SO sHoCkED at how sMArT YoU aRE hAhahA

hOnK hOnK :o)
almost 9 years
kenny enabled ranked games a few days ago and i think that's a burnable offense
deletedalmost 9 years
deletedalmost 9 years
By mastermind, I dont mean the role mastermind.
deletedalmost 9 years
As with the actual skill coming in the final days, so be it. As long as people are putting in effort in the first days, it's good. That's whats good about sandbox- you're not blamed for doing the wrong thing. A mastermind could easily assertain who mafia is from day 1 reads. People could choose to listen to him or not. When ranked was added to main, people thought it would never work as well. I've seen games of 20+ mafia which work fine. You never know if you don't try. If not, i'm willing to host a trial competitive game for serious players (obviously it will have to be unranked) at a certain time. We'll test it out.
deletedalmost 9 years
@Anna I feel like you're being sarcastic therefore I am not going to upvote your post.

@BelovedPrincess Please add a short summary after all your posts

Thank you slonder for supporting the idea. I think people downvoting are just the people who play for fun. Also note, it is much harder to approve random roles is main than competitive in sandbox. To address your argument about trolls- thats what reporting is for. If a man trolls an unranked game, fine, but if a man trolls a ranked game, reported and mods sort them out. Pretty simple to be honest. Stupid noavis and people who randomly kill- they're fine! Thats the love of sandbox! If a town randomly shoots a town day 1, so be it! But if a town shoots a un ccd detective, its gt and should be reported. Reports would have to be pretty loose, or a complete shitstorm would occur where people complain 'this guy did this and wasnt reported blah blah blah' etc... So... Lets say Gary claims virgin day 1. He is actually a fool. (This would not be a reportable offence, because you can claim ANYTHING as fool and not get reported. Same goes with mafia or roles like, bomb. Actually, you cant get reported as any role. Thats the striking thing about sandbox- it's freedom. You can act like any role you want! It's just clear gt if you throw the game. Please mods consider this, and those 7 downvotes please say why. It would open up a whole new element to the game.
almost 9 years
EvErYoNe CoMes to sAndBOx For HIgH quAlItY cOMpETITIve pLay. SanDbox bOx is mODErN cOmPETItiVE lObBY anD mAIn iS trAINIng lOBby. THis iS SupeR IntELLiGeNT IdEa! 10/10! hAhAHhAHaha iS aM SO sHoCkED at how sMArT YoU aRE hAhahA
almost 9 years

JohnnyAppleseed says

"If you disagree, state why. This is a serious thread."

No, that's not how it works. You have to bring in points as to why we should have this.

Instead of lobbying for ranked games in sandbox, try lobbying for the sandbox setup to be ranked in main lobby.

Shut up?
almost 9 years
"If you disagree, state why. This is a serious thread."

No, that's not how it works. You have to bring in points as to why we should have this.

Instead of lobbying for ranked games in sandbox, try lobbying for the sandbox setup to be ranked in main lobby.
almost 9 years
a lot of people seem to forget that n1 wins make the games unranked so it doesnt really matters if clockmaker wins n1

yes i support ranked closed setups, but i dont see a reason to limit it to the 12P games, there are a lot of other interesting setups besides that.

and @roadman if the games were ranked id guess the game-related vios would apply even if sandbox?
almost 9 years
The only real problem you will have with it, if it ever goes through, which I really doubt it will, is that you can't kick people from ranked games. Sandbox generally has a lot more trolls than Main.
almost 9 years
Finally, a change to really prove that I can policy lynch with the best of them. Sign me up
almost 9 years
I mean if people want to do it, and it gets enough attention, then I'm not sure why people who oppose the idea should really have any credible objections as it has absolutely nothing to do with them. The only real issue is the amount of reports and rule tweaks which will ensue from such a thing.
deletedalmost 9 years
You are not approved for this lobby. =(
deletedalmost 9 years
I suggest... playing games in main.
deletedalmost 9 years
Worth a try, but I agree there would need to be a special setup free of certain roles like Clockmaker.

Also, expect reports to be a mess. Part of the fun of sandbox is trying bold and controversial strategies (eg. Oracles and Bakers trying to be killed, claiming virgin as fool, random lynches) and it can be debatable whether they are playing for or against win-conditions. Basically, there will be a lot of game-throwing reports.
deletedalmost 9 years
Nobody is ever going to join a sandbox game and think "I'm going to carry this game hard"; odds are you're going to just die stupidly. It's the availability of that belief going into any setup that makes it a good setup for ranked play.

OK, I am done dodging real work I have to do now lol.
deletedalmost 9 years
8 player setups are like max if you're wanting to have actual, considerable personal impact on the game.
deletedalmost 9 years
The setup is entirely too swingy bro. The ranking would be completely arbitrary pretty much. Actual exertion of skill only seems to come into it in the final days, after 3 people have been randomly shot, 1 blown up by some bomb that everyone spammed on everyone else, and another 3 by other basically dumb stuff....Otherwise nobody's really exerting any influence on the game; there are too many players. Same goes for a lot of setups over in main. SDS for one is painful for these reasons, just a bunch of dumbasses shouting, not listening to anyone else. Jan 2.0 would be too, if not for the ml....Look, if you can read the game, there's your win. There will be better personal ranking in general consensus than a wins/losses system could ever afford you. And then the wins/losses system is just affording you a bunch of loud, annoying idiots, really.
deletedalmost 9 years
Also, clockmaker win n1 happens like once per month, so it shouldn't matter.