I don't understand how people are more than happy to say "the r word", but are not happy when other people say the actual word. The connotation holds exactly the same weight. People are just idiots when push comes to shove, you know, for lack of a better word.
deletedabout 9 years
Mine was just a troll tbh. I dont think most of the things people say shouldn't even be viod for. But this site is super sensitive about getting their feelings hurt
i chugged 2 beers and pissed six feet high on my front lawn while screaming "JOSE JOSE JOSE JOSE"
deletedabout 9 years
There isn't that big of a difference between using slurs and using other harsh words to prick people, because in the end you're still being a prick to people
anyway, I have to go do things. satan, bobbafet, and I think someone else get unbanned in 2 hours. thank for ruining my afternoon over petty bulldoodoo, I really appreciate it.