Author says Yelp is an average player who will lose more games in the future and will end up with 0 Trophies, period. deleted about 9 years
why would you care about who yelp is
deleted about 9 years
I don't know who yelp is, but I like them.
deleted about 9 years
It's rawrarrior
So did sims confirm yelp is male
Nattatatalie says yelp lost a game. they officially aren't cheating. That's what a banned user wants you to think ;)
Sims says MCF745 says as yelp is suspect of being a banned user, he should provide a legitimate alt to moderators, if he/she can't, she is confirmed banned ty i know his main can you tell me, strictly for survivor purposes
deleted about 9 years
not that ones that don't overdo the girly talk
deleted about 9 years
Anthony says girls are a nightmare to read ;) ;) ;)
girls are a nightmare to read
deleted about 9 years
symphony says eris says symphony says UM ANNAJANE Whose age matches pirouette's age ... or wait it's off by 1, i still like this theory though eris i just said i was pirouette... That's because you're part of the conspiracy
i confirm annajane as best maf player of all time i TR her everytime she's scum and i end up losing
Blister says gigil says symphony says UM ANNAJANE aw ty bby LOL YOU SUCK shut up blister u foot wart
he was never unbanned from the forum and comments though
deleted about 9 years
The rise of Tyrod
Strider says why is skillz allowed to post? He got unbanned.
why is skillz allowed to post?
deleted about 9 years
gigil says symphony says UM ANNAJANE aw ty bby LOL YOU SUCK
deleted about 9 years
Sims says i know his main Be a good admin and lock this thread or ill start posting Buffalo Bills memes
deleted about 9 years
gigil says symphony says UM ANNAJANE aw ty bby <3
deleted about 9 years
symphony says UM ANNAJANE aw ty bby