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definite roles in closed role setup

about 9 years

hey lucid make it possible to have some roles in closed role setups that always roll. this would add actual variety to sandbox setups

for example, a setup might always contain killer, that way we can start putting admirer in setups. a setup could always contain janitor, that way we can start using mortician again. etc. some people might even make real setups out of this

i'll take my 5000 tokens

almost 9 years
splendid suggestion
almost 9 years
Can confirm Floor is lying through his teeth on that one, just spent 10 minutes looking through the 500 most active sites :^)
almost 9 years
it'll be the top 499 if lucid adds this feature
almost 9 years

Floor says

creating a site that is one of the top 500 most active sites on the internet.

prove ?
almost 9 years
great idea
almost 9 years
I like this idea
almost 9 years
approaching 2016 and still a good idea
almost 9 years
good idea
almost 9 years
i vote for this

i want to guarantee baker and cult in all my games
almost 9 years
If there was a petition I'd sign it.
almost 9 years
good idea
about 9 years
good idea
about 9 years
good idea
about 9 years
started from the bottom now we're somehow lower
about 9 years
If Epicmafia didn't have a monopoly of online Mafia games where I can shitpost, then I'd move elsewhere
about 9 years
its not a new idea but its a good idea
about 9 years
I remember sending him an e-mail on this a loong time ago, and yet we're still here
about 9 years
This is what I've been waiting for my entire life.
about 9 years
i hate lucid!
about 9 years
hey lucid please ressurect yourself and read the email i have been sending to you for the last two years now
about 9 years
Not just his work but Lucid, he's really special. Say what you want but being a doctor and creating a site that is one of the top 500 most active sites on the internet is really impressive, a technical and biological genius. I don't know about his love life but I'd bet it's just as impressive and enthralling. With such multitasking skills my mind can only fantasize about the possibilities and limitations of such a man. He'd be the best ride of your life, literally and metaphorically, all while making thousands daily and barely missing a beat or sweating. He can probably hog tie you in a second, ban garbage epicamafia users, create another mod team, play with you and prepare dinner all within an hour of the date. He's beyond anything I can really come up with; it's embarrassing to say but I would pay any token amount for a night with such a talented human being.

Get to know the guy, realize he's a human like most of us and appreciate what he's done, guys. Be the community you want to be known as, not as a bunch of teens from Britain but as a family; an Epic Family.
about 9 years
I'm pretty sick of all this circle jerking going on that involves Lucid hate. It's really pathetic how you can all talk down to a guy that's done so much for practically free. Ironically you belittle him about his coding, his site activity, anything, yet you continue to use his product. What the fkcu man? Who complains about a product and continues to use said product.

I just think some of you really need to grow up and do some thing with your lives other than trying to be internet warriors and insulting site creators for no reason. I really appreciate all that Lucid has done to be honest. It's a lot he's put into this site, so much an actual community has formed. You realize people make sites on a daily basis and yet they flop so hard yet here epicmafia is, successful with an actual user base. How many flops can really say that? None, because there's no community to say it. In fact this is incredible, lucid was able to garnish a community so large that they have turned on him. This is really is something special.
about 9 years
lucids already getting lucid so icebox your ideas until he comes back promising to revamp and revive the site next year
about 9 years
good idea
about 9 years
It took long enough to get custom roles in closed setups