when poop hit the fan is u still a fan
aw i can't post in complaints please don't move the funposting to complaints
yeah idk why they targeted you that's some garbage
most likely the round is going to be reset. i literally just had 8 games refunded and i have a grand score that went from 590 something to 62.
and loving the coding, phil
you're a respectable dude gira but why have your panties been in such a knot lately?
> one of the mods,
It's Hima duh!! Someone should pause the round btw. you don't want refill on +5 hearts
because noted trash fire moderator hima got hidden linked
hopefully this is the end of their time as a mod
I have 13 hearts on Beam. Anyways one of the mods most likely got hidden linked. There's nothing we can do until Sims demods them.
deletedover 9 years
did they really disable off topic cause of arcbell's ama
deletedover 9 years
Thanks for refunding my games. >_>
deletedover 9 years
Why did my game just get refunded ?
Soda, i think he's after you, get him banned lol
let it be known i had a 100 point lead over everyone this round muahahahhahahahaha
fuk, this Bch is refunding the games v.v
good player, too cocky sometimes
deletedover 9 years
it worked
okay lol im suspended on my main account so tyeah fun
mellifluous is without a doubt the worst "smart" player I've seen
hahaha holy fk
Vancy Lobby ยป Day 489of Round 146
throw games against people, and karma will come back to me by having someone throw games for me in the future