if u click a persons name on the round page and scroll down a bit it shows how many games they played with other people. and how many they won/ loss ect ect
i don't see
deletedover 9 years
aaaah, i need the setups in the OP to knwo what setups are comp'd, i'm incapalbe of breathing anymore I HAT EYOU JALEB YOU ALWAYS DO THIS
deletedover 9 years
"aaaah, i need the setups in the OP to knwo what setups are comp'd, i'm incapalbe of breathing anymore I HAT EYOU JALEB YOU ALWAYS DO THIS"
if u click a persons name on the round page and scroll down a bit it shows how many games they played with other people. and how many they won/ loss ect ect
ok so I need to know how the mod team's gonna handle people playing with the same person. is it not allowed? or is it okay if it doesn't seem like one is throwing for the other?