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Round 319 Discussion

about 9 years

Congratulations to the winners of Round 314!

Good luck to the participants of Round 319!

Join the competition!!

deletedabout 9 years

Croned says

I'm just going to leave this here:

Please note that "wins" and "losses" refer to the number of times gerry won/lost with that person in the game.

what is this magical competition trend tool am i way out of the loop or something?
deletedabout 9 years

vilden says

I think we all know slow was actually trying to prove gerryoat = luminica

but which one of them is weareking?
about 9 years
I think we all know slow was actually trying to prove gerryoat = luminica
about 9 years
I'm curious how many people here actually read the pastebin or the google doc.
deletedabout 9 years
gerry got off for the four games he didn't play with luminica, it really threw lucid off the trail
deletedabout 9 years
Like, have you read my games without him? There are some examples in the google doc. I just suck. I'm sorry!
deletedabout 9 years
That was already pointed out in the pastebin, though? And it was already addressed. Have you read it? I already said I wouldn't play with him anymore, what else do I have to do?
about 9 years

luminica says

Do you know when I started playing? My first gold heart game was halfway through the previous round. My performance doesn't change regardless of who I play with. Sorry for being a bad player.

I was going to beat around the bush but you went and said it for me.

about 9 years
rekt ... gerry caught
about 9 years
I'm just going to leave this here:

Please note that "wins" and "losses" refer to the number of times gerry won/lost with that person in the game.
deletedabout 9 years

CocaCola says

Giga13 says

Alright, I've read gerry's defense and the games.

I feel really bad for gerryoat1 and luminica because it is very clear to me that you two were not cheating this round. I completely disagree with the verdict of cheating in the pastebin against gerryoat1, and as always that is only my opinion. But luminica, whether you realized it or not, you were playing in favour of gerryoat1 for a lot of his games. I'm sorry because a lot of users do this subconsciously, but when it happens over very many of a trophy runners games in a round, sometimes the trophy gets stripped. It's happened before, this isn't the first time. I can't go against four (three current) moderators and lucid. Lucid was correct to not give you two violations and I am firm in that belief, and I am firm in believing the correct outcome is occurring.

This is pretty much the same as the CocaCola/Zwink case, except more games were affected. This is just my opinion as always and I really do feel bad for you gerryoat1 because you're not only a good player but you didn't really do anything wrong. You just have to be careful with who you play with and be careful that the same person or people aren't consistently playing in your favour.

Giga, Gerry got off way easier than I did, considering we were falsely accused of similar things, except his situation was way worse. I was banned for suspectedly playing against my win condition and abusing meta when I still placed in the top 10 of the round. I don't think Gerry is entirely clean considering how poorly dream quakes did this round. That's just my input on the matter. I feel like Gerry should get an equal if not worse punishment for what he did....regardless of whether or not he role shared.

Do you know when I started playing? My first gold heart game was halfway through the previous round. My performance doesn't change regardless of who I play with. Sorry for being a bad player.
about 9 years

WolfODonnellz says

Its extremly dicficult to have a comp without reports

deletedabout 9 years
my favorite part is people thinking that they roleshared or that i accused them of rolesharing when it's very obvious they didn't roleshare
deletedabout 9 years
Its extremly dicficult to have a comp without reports
about 9 years

Giga13 says

Alright, I've read gerry's defense and the games.

I feel really bad for gerryoat1 and luminica because it is very clear to me that you two were not cheating this round. I completely disagree with the verdict of cheating in the pastebin against gerryoat1, and as always that is only my opinion. But luminica, whether you realized it or not, you were playing in favour of gerryoat1 for a lot of his games. I'm sorry because a lot of users do this subconsciously, but when it happens over very many of a trophy runners games in a round, sometimes the trophy gets stripped. It's happened before, this isn't the first time. I can't go against four (three current) moderators and lucid. Lucid was correct to not give you two violations and I am firm in that belief, and I am firm in believing the correct outcome is occurring.

This is pretty much the same as the CocaCola/Zwink case, except more games were affected. This is just my opinion as always and I really do feel bad for you gerryoat1 because you're not only a good player but you didn't really do anything wrong. You just have to be careful with who you play with and be careful that the same person or people aren't consistently playing in your favour.

Giga, Gerry got off way easier than I did, considering we were falsely accused of similar things, except his situation was way worse. I was banned for suspectedly playing against my win condition and abusing meta when I still placed in the top 10 of the round. I don't think Gerry is entirely clean considering how poorly dream quakes did this round. That's just my input on the matter. I feel like Gerry should get an equal if not worse punishment for what he did....regardless of whether or not he role shared.
deletedabout 9 years

Sanctify says

twist says

There's a distinct difference between backing your reads up with meta and flat-out abusing it

What's the difference?

fourth place and a trophy
about 9 years

twist says

There's a distinct difference between backing your reads up with meta and flat-out abusing it

What's the difference?
deletedabout 9 years

Sanctify says

he's not a mod anymore.

but yeah, that was a bad post for an at the time mod.

but a GREAT post for the masses

Lashka says

That bin was nearly as convincing as xxerox's bin on me and pereking cheating

at least devante gives me some props every now and again.

edit: also yes, i knew by noon of yesterday that I was going to be demodded so I stopped caring and went BuckWild
about 9 years
Hey giga, it's not too late to unsusped him from the round if u think he didn't cheat. Since no one really handled his appeal
about 9 years
Gerry and Lumin were fun to play with. As was Potted. Sucks to see the mods continuously get rid of people I enjoyed playing with for dumb reasons.
deletedabout 9 years
hmm, well i think you already know the mods were trolling/joking around because it was such a ridiculously long defense and they're not used to it
about 9 years
Depends on the piece they are doing. In depth ones can be really long. lol
deletedabout 9 years
aren't journalists supposed to be concise
about 9 years
Thank you, Giga. It honestly means a lot that you took your time to read through my google doc. After really reading it, no one should be able to think I was cheating. I have nothing against Idio, and to be honest, I didn't know who he was before this pastebin thing. I have nothing against him. I even said in the Google doc that I was actually impressed that someone went through all my games to critique them. And that kinda dedication is something we need in mods. The problem I had was 1. Saying I had 24 hours then randomly cutting it to 20 and banning me without hearing my side. 2. When I made me Google doc he refused to read it because he thought he was right and couldn't be wrong after his side was said. 3. Insulted me/Luminca in his pastebin and outside of it. 4. After I made the forum post, him and a few other mods (which I won't talk about or name) pretty much were making a joke of me and refused to reconsider and trolled the whole thing until admin stepped in. Basically it was very unprofessional by some of them, even though I've never even talked to some of them before. I feel bad that it caused all this, I really do. But, I'm happy that I know at least one person truly read my defense (I know it was long, I'm a journalism major so I can type a lot when needed) in the google doc.
about 9 years
shut up