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Lucid plz add the following

about 9 years

Youtube videos for parties hosted by party host role. The public demands it.

deletedabout 9 years
>implying it is music
about 9 years
Look hot girls like us have problems too, so shut the f[redacted]k up and check your privilege
deletedabout 9 years
bumped because this is the greatest idea ever
about 9 years
I'll pay you not to do it just to anger the public. It is my goal in life to be the public's #1 enemy. You would be helping me achieve my dream by not doing this Lucid. Isn't helping someone achieve their dreams better than satisfying the people who constantly berate you?
about 9 years
even though it's probably going to be all generic meme music and weeb trash, add this lucid.
about 9 years
Youtube has its own mute button tho
deletedabout 9 years

iMafia says

Please add a "nay" voting system, cause someone might force me to listen to "hot problems".

where you can mute music/sound for the game, just also add an option to mute youtube in case of party.
deletedabout 9 years
Best idea ever
about 9 years
this needs to happen
about 9 years
Please add a "nay" voting system, cause someone might force me to listen to "hot problems".