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Allow closed setups in main lobby

deletedover 9 years

I want to play closed setups that are moderated for cheating. Whenever I play in sandbox there's nearly always one user who has more than one account in the game.

Alternative idea: Merge Sandbox with Main lobby

No Merge
Merge the two lobbies
over 9 years
There's a point where we need a reminder of why Quest was banned for so long in the first place.
over 9 years

Blister says

then we'd be one unified community

is this a joke
deletedover 9 years
heck, why don't we just merge all the lobbies together

then we'd be one unified community. no lobby vs lobby drama, no elitism, no segregation. what a place EM will be
over 9 years

Quest says

All of those who don't want to play competitively can go play in the games lobby

or you could just, you know... not merge lobbies for no damn reason idk
deletedover 9 years
All of those who don't want to play competitively can go play in the games lobby
deletedover 9 years
as someone who primarily plays in sandbox and attempted three comp games today i can safely say i never want to play with these loons again
over 9 years
The entire point of sandbox is to not play competitively, perhaps.
deletedover 9 years

Moocow says

There is literally no benefit to merging the lobbies over just allowing closed role in main.

Encourages sandbox players to play competitive, perhaps
deletedover 9 years
over 9 years
There is literally no benefit to merging the lobbies over just allowing closed role in main.
deletedover 9 years
I really don't think games filling would be a problem. On poker, both the sit&go games and tournament games fill easily despite being in the same lobby.
over 9 years

Quest says

vilden says

Devante says

Percentage wise, the number of caught cheaters didn't go up noticeably with the merge

exactly --- because it's too hard to catch them

Nah it's easy, if I was mod, that is.

too bad that'll never happen
deletedover 9 years
Btw a main lobby and sandbox lobby merge would never happen & abc knows that so responding to the op is silly
over 9 years
But the only one being talked about and the only one in the poll is the merger.
deletedover 9 years
The number of games being played in comp hasn't noticeably increased with the merge, so how is it any harder now than before?
deletedover 9 years

Moocow says

Or instead of a terrible idea, we could make it so closed setups are allowed in main.

That was one of the suggestions in the OP
over 9 years
Or instead of a terrible idea, we could make it so closed setups are allowed in main.
deletedover 9 years

vilden says

Quest says

vilden says

Quest says

vilden says

merging sandbox with main lobby (not that it would happen) would make it easier for people to cheat because the tables blend and are harder to watch and spot cheaters

this 100% happened when comp merged with main hence the cheating inv's every round plus all tables having at least one gt alt

The fact is unranked main lobby games are moderated for cheating and so mods should catch those who cheat in them. The mods have their IP tools and foxiebox or w.e which is enough to catch multiaccounting at the least.

I get you but i'm saying merged comp/main created a better place for cheaters. the same would happen in any scenario where more tables are brought into one lobby

You're implying sandbox users would cheat in main lobby games.

no, I'm saying the lobby will become easier for cheaters to go uncaught because we have competitive games grouped with a bunch of other tables brought in from other lobbies. So not enough attention can be given to fullproof any cheating case, and competitive would honestly die

Mods just need to work harder IMO
deletedover 9 years

vilden says

Devante says

Percentage wise, the number of caught cheaters didn't go up noticeably with the merge

exactly --- because it's too hard to catch them

Nah it's easy, if I was mod, that is.
over 9 years

Quest says

vilden says

Quest says

vilden says

merging sandbox with main lobby (not that it would happen) would make it easier for people to cheat because the tables blend and are harder to watch and spot cheaters

this 100% happened when comp merged with main hence the cheating inv's every round plus all tables having at least one gt alt

The fact is unranked main lobby games are moderated for cheating and so mods should catch those who cheat in them. The mods have their IP tools and foxiebox or w.e which is enough to catch multiaccounting at the least.

I get you but i'm saying merged comp/main created a better place for cheaters. the same would happen in any scenario where more tables are brought into one lobby

You're implying sandbox users would cheat in main lobby games.

no, I'm saying the lobby will become easier for cheaters to go uncaught because we have competitive games grouped with a bunch of other tables brought in from other lobbies. So not enough attention can be given to fullproof any cheating case, and competitive would honestly die
over 9 years

Devante says

Percentage wise, the number of caught cheaters didn't go up noticeably with the merge

exactly--because it's too hard to catch them
deletedover 9 years
Also - closed setups are allowed in the games lobby, so if any sandbox player is against the merge they can just go play over there.
over 9 years

AdrenalineMime says

Quest says

I've contacted Lucid, the outcome will probably be decided on the number of votes in the poll

what happens if it's a tie

Imagine, the fate of the two lobbies, decided in a coin toss.
deletedover 9 years
Percentage wise, the number of caught cheaters didn't go up noticeably with the merge
deletedover 9 years

vilden says

Quest says

vilden says

merging sandbox with main lobby (not that it would happen) would make it easier for people to cheat because the tables blend and are harder to watch and spot cheaters

this 100% happened when comp merged with main hence the cheating inv's every round plus all tables having at least one gt alt

The fact is unranked main lobby games are moderated for cheating and so mods should catch those who cheat in them. The mods have their IP tools and foxiebox or w.e which is enough to catch multiaccounting at the least.

I get you but i'm saying merged comp/main created a better place for cheaters. the same would happen in any scenario where more tables are brought into one lobby

You're implying sandbox users would cheat in main lobby games.