deletedabout 9 years

post your privilege scores

about 9 years

taurarius says

These quizzes focus too much on sexism, homophobia, and racism.

I got very non privileged scores on them and that's frankly untrue. It doesn't qualify for differences between our incomes vs those of family we could ask help from in hard times, or the many many many difficulties faced by those with physical and mental disabilities, or where in the world we live and what resources are thus available.

For what it's worth, -265 (Extremely Oppressed) and 41 (Not privileged). Because I'm ambivalently female, probably gay and occasionally harassed for it, and am unemployed with massive student loan debt. It doesn't account for my dozens of relatives who would take me in if my situation were dire. It doesn't account that I'm in good health (minimally obese but no diseases, depressed/anxious but exploring ssri medication) with good mobility and all my senses.

These quizzes are good for telling white/cis/straight/wealthy/men that they're well off. That's about it.

Oh, and for a laugh.

actually, I got extremely opressed based on other issues
about 9 years
Your privilege level is Extremely Oppressed with a score of -930
about 9 years

Mmmm... not as bad as Ash, since his mom left him for Oak and Gary time at 10'ish ;)
about 9 years
please take the following accurate privilege quiz to assess your privilege

do you have a friend or relative in a position of power?

do they practice nepotism?
about 9 years

lilin says

privilege = trust.

It doesn't deal with your family

Family IS a component. Privilege isn't only what a random person on a street will feel about you, it's also about the ease with which opportunities are opened to you. Someone whose family is well-connected, or financially capable of moving through life without turning to high interest loans, will have an easier time with things from moving into neighborhoods with low crime rates, have an easier time getting into various kinds of careers, and avoid a certain level of distracting stress about one's future.
about 9 years

Nailpolishremover says

this quiz isnt funny or entertaining at all. find better humor :) hunies


Your privilege level is SHITLORD with a score of 155
You may qualify for membership at ThePatriarchy

about 9 years

deletedabout 9 years
No you aren't
about 9 years
You live with 55 out of 100 points of privilege.
You’re quite privileged. You’ve had a few struggles, but overall your life has been far easier than most. This is not a bad thing, nor is it something to be ashamed of. But you should be aware of your advantages and work to help others who don’t have them. Thank you for checking your privilege.

Funny, I'm a minority.
deletedabout 9 years
privilege = trust.

It doesn't deal with your family
about 9 years
These quizzes focus too much on sexism, homophobia, and racism.

I got very non privileged scores on them and that's frankly untrue. It doesn't qualify for differences between our incomes vs those of family we could ask help from in hard times, or the many many many difficulties faced by those with physical and mental disabilities, or where in the world we live and what resources are thus available.

For what it's worth, -265 (Extremely Oppressed) and 41 (Not privileged). Because I'm ambivalently female, probably gay and occasionally harassed for it, and am unemployed with massive student loan debt. It doesn't account for my dozens of relatives who would take me in if my situation were dire. It doesn't account that I'm in good health (minimally obese but no diseases, depressed/anxious but exploring ssri medication) with good mobility and all my senses.

These quizzes are good for telling white/cis/straight/wealthy/men that they're well off. That's about it.

Oh, and for a laugh.
about 9 years
Um. I got a -1175. Did I win?
deletedabout 9 years

Alright! This Is Fine
about 9 years
^ yea i checked that out if you choose muslim it kind of drops you by 50
about 9 years
apparently you're more privileged being a middle eastern christian than a middle eastern muslim
deletedabout 9 years
Your privilege level is Privileged with a score of 75
about 9 years
Your privilege level is Privileged with a score of 80
deletedabout 9 years
Your privilege level is SHITLORD with a score of 125
deletedabout 9 years
Your privilege level is Extremely Oppressed with a score of -225

This is the dumbest excuse of a quiz I've ever participated in.
about 9 years
deletedabout 9 years

Nailpolishremover says

this quiz isnt funny or entertaining at all. find better humor :) hunies

found the person with "SHITLORD" or "Advantaged" that claims oppression or screams bigot at people they don't like
deletedabout 9 years
this quiz isnt funny or entertaining at all. find better humor :) hunies
about 9 years

You live with 26 out of 100 points of privilege.
You’re not privileged at all. You grew up with an intersectional, complicated identity, and life never let you forget it. You’ve had your fair share of struggles, and you’ve worked hard to overcome them. We do not live in an ideal world and you had to learn that the hard way. It is not your responsibility to educate those with more advantages than you, but if you decide you want to, go ahead and send them this quiz. Hopefully it will help.

most of this is bc of growing up in a tiny, conservative, religious farmers village. this quiz is definitely very dependent on what kind of community you grew up in and how you portrayed yourself bc i mean, i never really did without anything until this past year?? and i didnt come out until like the 7th grade, but i was harassed and bullied my whole life regardless
deletedabout 9 years

bdog1321 says

It's because we keep calling him bald.
about 9 years