over 9 years

Yes folks, it's finally here, the long awaited emjack update made especially for Sandbox. With permission from Foxie, I present to all of you https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/10698-emjack

New Features

  • Working Copy/Paste
  • Modified vote spam prevention to make flashing as silenced easier
  • Dynamic role and alignment display
  • Dynamic vote count display (use /toggle to toggle on and off)
  • Auto name and role in will
  • /role command to see the mechanics of any role
  • /afk turns AFK Mode on/off
  • /vote allows you to vote for a particular person from the type box.
  • /nl allows you to quickly no-lynch.
  • /suggest and /bug allow you to pm suggestions/bug reports directly to me.


about 9 years

Croned says

After a recent update, Lucid removed the ability to copy/paste, even on Chromed. I have restored the functionality of copy/paste when emjack++ is installed. You can update it here: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/10698-emjack

Doesn't particularly seem to work (with updated emjack++, Chrome 43)
about 9 years
After a recent update, Lucid removed the ability to copy/paste, even on Chromed. I have restored the functionality of copy/paste when emjack++ is installed. You can update it here: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/10698-emjack
about 9 years

Foxie says

i skimmed through the code and I'd advise against using a constantly running interval, you can record things like votes by listening to the socket when it tells you someone voted and it'll save a lot of unnecessary processing every 10th of a second

check the part where it says intercept packets, that reads everything the server sends you, including gamestate changes (day/night), all votes, all meetings, all messages, everything. you can properly respond to these events there

shouko says

Croned says

Update 2.8: Added a new command: /role

Type /role to see the mechanics of your current role.

Type /role rolename to see the mechanics of a particular role.

does this have every role on the website or every role in the particular setup?

it just sends an ajax request to em and returns whatever em returns for that role name, which also means you have to know the real role name (e.g. insane cop is actually just "insane")

Yeah, I plan to move away from that interval when I get around to redoing the vote counter. I had initially made it so that it would reset depending on the gamestate, but that was before I realized that the gamestate changed every time you went back to previous days. I didn't realize that fact until after I published the script though, so I was scrambling to find something that worked well enough for the time being. Thanks very much for the input.
about 9 years
as for autowill, here's a snippet from an older version of emjack i still use

"o": function() {
if(this.data.lastwill&&autowill) {

the "o" event triggers on gamestart if i recall correctly. this snippet also still works, but the old format (such as the u() function) would need to be changed
about 9 years
i skimmed through the code and I'd advise against using a constantly running interval, you can record things like votes by listening to the socket when it tells you someone voted and it'll save a lot of unnecessary processing every 10th of a second

check the part where it says intercept packets, that reads everything the server sends you, including gamestate changes (day/night), all votes, all meetings, all messages, everything. you can properly respond to these events there

shouko says

Croned says

Update 2.8: Added a new command: /role

Type /role to see the mechanics of your current role.

Type /role rolename to see the mechanics of a particular role.

does this have every role on the website or every role in the particular setup?

it just sends an ajax request to em and returns whatever em returns for that role name, which also means you have to know the real role name (e.g. insane cop is actually just "insane")
about 9 years

Croned says

Update 2.8: Added a new command: /role

Type /role to see the mechanics of your current role.

Type /role rolename to see the mechanics of a particular role.

does this have every role on the website or every role in the particular setup?
about 9 years
Update 2.8: Added a new command: /role

Type /role to see the mechanics of your current role.

Type /role rolename to see the mechanics of a particular role.
about 9 years
Yes, you can change your will after it auto-sets it.
about 9 years
can I opt to still put memes in my will instead?
over 9 years
Okay, I there were a few issues with the vote count display, but they should be fixed now (other than them resetting when you refresh the page). I've also changed it so that mafia wills are not auto-filled. Please update if you haven't already.
over 9 years
BTW you should disable autowills for mafia or make it say a random town or something
over 9 years
Thanks, I've added these to my own scipt which also includes an auto kick list
over 9 years
Okay, I've updated so that now /toggle will toggle the side vote count on and off, just in case you don't want to use it.
over 9 years
To the people who have never used scripts before and would like this, here's a simple way for chrome users.

Install some script enabling extension, I use tampermonkey found: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo?hl=en

Afterwards, click the link given in the thread. Normally you should be able to just add it, but chrome is being rather protective in recent times, so you'll have to manually do it. To do that, click on the tampermonkey application image then click Add a new script. Afterwards, delete any of the lines already there on the script page for tampermonkey. On the emjack site, click the code button and copy paste that into the tampermonkey area. Afterwards, click the save icon, then check the box, then click enable and it should work once you refresh the site!
deletedover 9 years
this is great tbh
deletedover 9 years
THANK YOU CRONED! this is brilliant.
over 9 years
Also, I recommend installing the script through greasyfork and not just copying the code, as I plan to add further updates in the future and this will allow you to automatically update your script.