over 9 years

Yes folks, it's finally here, the long awaited emjack update made especially for Sandbox. With permission from Foxie, I present to all of you https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/10698-emjack

New Features

  • Working Copy/Paste
  • Modified vote spam prevention to make flashing as silenced easier
  • Dynamic role and alignment display
  • Dynamic vote count display (use /toggle to toggle on and off)
  • Auto name and role in will
  • /role command to see the mechanics of any role
  • /afk turns AFK Mode on/off
  • /vote allows you to vote for a particular person from the type box.
  • /nl allows you to quickly no-lynch.
  • /suggest and /bug allow you to pm suggestions/bug reports directly to me.


TBH, I'd would like it if it didn't auto my will
about 9 years
Then just use version 3.0 or earlier, before AFK mode and console voting were added.
deletedabout 9 years
The issue is it would make blitzing easier since it turns it into a keyboard press and a mouse click rather than two separate mouse clicks.
about 9 years

mist says

The says

Update 3.3

- Voting from type box: Type /vote (username) to vote or unvote for a particular person. This works in any day/night meeting that uses a player drop down list. Type /nl to quickly nl.

That's gonna make this comp illegal if not full-on exploit abuse if mods ever bother to take notice of it. Autovoters/functions that speed up your voting have been deemed exploit abuse in the past.

This is no faster than clicking. In fact, it'd be even slower at spamming votes.
deletedabout 9 years

The says

Update 3.3

- Voting from type box: Type /vote (username) to vote or unvote for a particular person. This works in any day/night meeting that uses a player drop down list. Type /nl to quickly nl.

That's gonna make this comp illegal if not full-on exploit abuse if mods ever bother to take notice of it. Autovoters/functions that speed up your voting have been deemed exploit abuse in the past.
about 9 years
Update 3.3

- Voting from type box: Type /vote (username) to vote or unvote for a particular person. This works in any day/night meeting that uses a player drop down list. Type /nl to quickly nl.
- Suggestions & Bug Reports: Type /suggest (suggestion) to pm a suggestion for emjack directly to me. Type /bug (bug report) to pm an emjack bug report directly to me.
about 9 years
Update 3.1

- AFK mode automatically runs if you haven't voted yet when the timer hits zero.
- No longer runs and breaks when reviewing a past game
about 9 years
afk has been around forever
about 9 years
Update 3.0

- AFK Mode: Know you have to leave, but don't want to veg or suicide? With AFK mode, you can now leave your game and have your browser continue playing for you (the tab must be open). Just type /afk to turn it on, and /afk again to turn it back off. AFK Mode will automatically try to select "no one" in meetings, and if that option isn't available, the first person in your list will be selected.

- Commands at Night: The chatbox is now visible at night in all situations, so you can continue to use emjack commands.

- Improved Vote Counter: The improved vote counter should now be less susceptible to breaks and provide a more accurate vote count, even when the page is refreshed.
about 9 years
about 9 years

cub says

its a virus

Most of it's your code.
about 9 years
its a virus
deletedabout 9 years
Croned is a good man.
about 9 years

yoyoyorlozer says

Realized that mac keyboards use cmd instead of ctrl for c/p, fixed it myself.

Lucid made copy/paste work again, so I just removed the code.

Update 2.9.5

In-game settings are now saved to Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey, so they will stay set as long as you are signed in to Chrome.
about 9 years
Realized that mac keyboards use cmd instead of ctrl for c/p, fixed it myself.
about 9 years
about 9 years

yoyoyorlozer says

It doesn't hide my type box.

If you go to Tampermonkey's dashboard can you verify that you're running version 2.9.3 of emjack++?
about 9 years
you could also play mafia normally without a crutch
about 9 years
It doesn't hide my type box.
about 9 years
It works by hiding the type box when you hold the control button while you're not focused on the type box, which prevents Lucid from autofocusing on the type box and allowing you to copy/paste. If you highlight some text and then press ctrl+c, are you able to copy?
about 9 years

Croned says

Croned says

Is it hiding your type box?

yes I had that problem at least once with the new update.
about 9 years

Croned says

Is it hiding your type box?

about 9 years
I have no copypaste functionality with the latest version of emjack++ on chrome.
about 9 years
nvm, it does, the update didn't go through for the first time for some reason, thanks and sorry
about 9 years
Is it hiding your type box?