over 9 years

Hello, I have some free time. Here I have this book, http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51QmPrGkYNL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg

All you need to do is mention something that was in your dream i.e., spiders, blood, flowers, children, ect., and I will tell you what this book says it means.

Do you believe in dream analysis?
I think it is a little bit of both.
No, dreams are all random.
Yes, dream are subconscious symbol in life.
over 9 years
zombies are real
over 9 years

bdog1321 says


Zombies have not been proven real. They first came from fiction, whatever evidence you think there is, according to this book they are not in there, so I cannot interperate your dream. Please seek a professional therapist balddog.
over 9 years
over 9 years

SonicTheHuman says

My last dream was lucid (like it felt super real) I was at home doing something when the lights went out and i ran to my room and shut the door, i turn my lights on and something just pops up and i wake up. How messed up am i from a scale of 1/uneedhelpkid

i can't give you an interpretation without a key word. 'Lights' doesn't seem to be the one in this case, as it was a scary dream.
over 9 years
My last dream was lucid (like it felt super real) I was at home doing something when the lights went out and i ran to my room and shut the door, i turn my lights on and something just pops up and i wake up. How messed up am i from a scale of 1/uneedhelpkid
over 9 years
How dare you make a typo
over 9 years
Bump, and I made a typo, but I don't have the heart to recreate this again. Hope this will be interesting for everyone! :-)