almost 9 years

Hello, I have some free time. Here I have this book,,204,203,200_.jpg

All you need to do is mention something that was in your dream i.e., spiders, blood, flowers, children, ect., and I will tell you what this book says it means.

Do you believe in dream analysis?
I think it is a little bit of both.
No, dreams are all random.
Yes, dream are subconscious symbol in life.
almost 9 years
I had a really weird dream and basically me and my partner were in some... African country, I think? and there were the portal laser turrets that went around and my partner and i basically had to hide and sneak our way around without getting shot to kill this evil woman idk and we did it eventually but it involved a lot of climbing on walls and somehow sticking to the ceiling. after that we went to like. Ethiopia or something and we still had to hide so we pretended to be merchants except we had nothing to sell. I DONT KNOW MAN IT WAS WEIRD. and then this huge airship landed and it had my parents on it and so we got on it bc it would take us home but it was a really long journey and in that time we had to like. pass eggs?? and put them down a chute thing? lmfao help.
almost 9 years
I dreamed that I had a pet alligator that I never paid much attention to, but then one day he escaped and tried to eat me. I survived by holding its mouth open so it couldn't chomp down on me while my sister knocked all of its teeth out. Afterwards I felt bad and was going to give it to a zoo, but then I realized he was actually a sweet but misunderstood creature that was just hungry and desperate because I ignored it. I started taking better care of it and we became best friends, and it turned into a dog.
almost 9 years

tricksterer says

tricksterer says

i have nightmares about losing things and people on the reg, whats it mean...

rip me i lose rea's love too...

Oops! I must have looked passed this. Sorry babe I'll do it when I get home!
almost 9 years

Reamix says

Anna says

(description of my dream)

You did so with 'warfare', therefore 'war' is the keyword I am using.//War: Real fear of war. In addition, confrontation between different parts of the personality of the dreamer: inner conflict. This dream image points to current confrontations with your own aggressiveness. Check to see if you are too aggressive, or if you should express your aggression more directly.

wow your book sucks I'm not afraid of war and I'm never aggressive.
deletedalmost 9 years

Reamix says

Delicate says

i love your threads rea :')
I had a dream that someone very important to me was leaving me. He called me pathetic, didn't want to associate with me anymore, turned and walked away. I was sobbing in the dream and got woken up by the sounds of my own crying

That sounds terrible!! I'm really sorry that you had that dream, I hope it doesn't happen in real life. They don't have 'Abandonment' or 'Desertion' in this book, so I am going to use 'Rejection', if you can think of a different word I'll redo this.//Rejection/Refusal: Longing for closeness; or distance. Feeling of social isolation, of being closed off or refusing to face up to someone, or refusing to take action. Often, however, the opposite meaning-being accepted, though fearing rejection.

spot on and insightful. thank you steph
almost 9 years

tricksterer says

i have nightmares about losing things and people on the reg, whats it mean...

rip me i lose rea's love too...
almost 9 years

Delicate says

i love your threads rea :')
I had a dream that someone very important to me was leaving me. He called me pathetic, didn't want to associate with me anymore, turned and walked away. I was sobbing in the dream and got woken up by the sounds of my own crying

That sounds terrible!! I'm really sorry that you had that dream, I hope it doesn't happen in real life. They don't have 'Abandonment' or 'Desertion' in this book, so I am going to use 'Rejection', if you can think of a different word I'll redo this.//Rejection/Refusal: Longing for closeness; or distance. Feeling of social isolation, of being closed off or refusing to face up to someone, or refusing to take action. Often, however, the opposite meaning-being accepted, though fearing rejection.
almost 9 years

SonicTheHuman says

keyword darkness i guess

Darkness: Well known symbol for our shadow, where our shadow depicts something invisible. Fear of people, emotions, thoughts, actions, and situations we don't understand, since they are in the dark. Ambiguous premonition; not knowing; secrets. Walking into your own darkness, more awareness is called for. The task almost always is to become more aware (light), to shed light on something intellectually, or to deal more consciously with the unknown. Your own shadow is now visible, which is great progress and brings freedom. Also do not lose sight of your path in the dark.
almost 9 years

Anna says

I had a dream. I was in the middle of an middle eastern city. I was under heavy fire. My squad was pinned down. I was calling in for an Airstrike. All of a Sudden 3 giant Mechs dropped from the sky and obliterated the insurgents.I look up and see the mechs are painted like and American flag. In the Mechs I see Andrew "Red coat dead coat" Jackson, George Bush, and Ronald Reagan. My squad look up in amazement. All of a sudden a multiple RPG shots hit Reagan's Mech. It collapses to the ground I start to rush over to Reagan to make sure he is okay but I'm knock off my feet by a explosion a couple feet away from me. Andrew Jackson and Bush turn and fire on the incoming hostiles. I finally take a look at our enemy and I see Barack Obama in an ISIS painted mech wearing a turban. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bullets pierce Jackson's mech fatally wounding him. I go over to pull him to safety and he whispers in my ear "Leave me, take the mech, kill Obama". I do as he says. I get in the Mech and start firing on Obama. There is a loud explosion to my left. I know it what Bush's mech exploding. I know what must be done. I send my mech flying head first into Obama's mech. As hit him my mech explodes wiping out the entire city. I saved America, I saved the world.

What does this mean?

You did so with 'warfare', therefore 'war' is the keyword I am using.//War: Real fear of war. In addition, confrontation between different parts of the personality of the dreamer: inner conflict. This dream image points to current confrontations with your own aggressiveness. Check to see if you are too aggressive, or if you should express your aggression more directly.
almost 9 years

Thor says

elevators seem to be a recurring theme which is. the weirdest thing. how bad is it doc am i going to die

Elevator/Lift: Emotional changes, and the degree of those changes is expressed here. Caution, remaining aware of reality. If the lift is moving up fast- advancement, high hopes. if the life is moving down fast-to the point that it is uncomfortable-fear of letting go. If the lift gets stuck, inferiority complex or strong inhibitions. You will not die dear, just try to feel one thing at once <3
deletedalmost 9 years

Delicate says

i love your threads rea :')
I had a dream that someone very important to me was leaving me. He called me pathetic, didn't want to associate with me anymore, turned and walked away. I was sobbing in the dream and got woken up by the sounds of my own crying

I'm sorry. It won't happen again.
deletedalmost 9 years
i love your threads rea :')
I had a dream that someone very important to me was leaving me. He called me pathetic, didn't want to associate with me anymore, turned and walked away. I was sobbing in the dream and got woken up by the sounds of my own crying
almost 9 years
keyword darkness i guess
almost 9 years
i have nightmares about losing things and people on the reg, whats it mean...
almost 9 years
I had a dream. I was in the middle of an middle eastern city. I was under heavy fire. My squad was pinned down. I was calling in for an Airstrike. All of a Sudden 3 giant Mechs dropped from the sky and obliterated the insurgents.I look up and see the mechs are painted like and American flag. In the Mechs I see Andrew "Red coat dead coat" Jackson, George Bush, and Ronald Reagan. My squad look up in amazement. All of a sudden a multiple RPG shots hit Reagan's Mech. It collapses to the ground I start to rush over to Reagan to make sure he is okay but I'm knock off my feet by a explosion a couple feet away from me. Andrew Jackson and Bush turn and fire on the incoming hostiles. I finally take a look at our enemy and I see Barack Obama in an ISIS painted mech wearing a turban. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bullets pierce Jackson's mech fatally wounding him. I go over to pull him to safety and he whispers in my ear "Leave me, take the mech, kill Obama". I do as he says. I get in the Mech and start firing on Obama. There is a loud explosion to my left. I know it what Bush's mech exploding. I know what must be done. I send my mech flying head first into Obama's mech. As hit him my mech explodes wiping out the entire city. I saved America, I saved the world.

What does this mean?
almost 9 years
this is fun ok um i will tell u later tho because i forgot all my dreams bye
deletedalmost 9 years
elevators seem to be a recurring theme which is. the weirdest thing. how bad is it doc am i going to die
almost 9 years
I had a dream I was merrily playing in a sandbox and a giant platypus attacked me. What does it mean!!!
Keyword: Platypus
almost 9 years

ballsy says

Keyword: School

I'm sorry they don't have that in here, which is dumb imo. If you can give a brief description I could try to think of one myself that ties in with the whole dream.
almost 9 years

bibty says

i had a dream where i was running by a cliff and i tripped and fell off and then i woke up w a weird feeling. key word; falling

You are bae. This is long//Falling: A warning not to be such a realist (so sassy wtf??). It might be better to just let go, and be more open to something new. Also fear of being destroyed. Points to loss due to miscalculation on the part of the dreamer or is a sign of unjustified euphoria and arrogance. Dreams of falling often appear if you are in the process of transition to a new stage in life. Particularly when you are trying something new, you will first, just as in the dream, fall flat on your face, A falling dream happens again and again if you are fighting against your own limitations. It is very helpful to change falling dreams into flying dreams. // According to Freud, falling dreams are always sexual. In the case of women , the question evolves around giving into erotic desires.///// I took out some things as for censorship, since this is an analysis book which also looks at Freudian take on dreams, there is some sexual content that I am not sure whether or not I could say in a thread.
deletedalmost 9 years
Keyword: School
almost 9 years
i had a dream where i was running by a cliff and i tripped and fell off and then i woke up w a weird feeling. key word; falling
almost 9 years

Reamix says

chessextreme says

I had a dream where I was naked, tied up with ropes, and pulled through a cornfield.

pls help doc

give me a key word

I will do "Naked"//

Naked: Often the dreamer fearing the truth. Or, naturalness, honesty, and openness, but also poverty and impertinence.
almost 9 years

chessextreme says

I had a dream where I was naked, tied up with ropes, and pulled through a cornfield.

pls help doc

give me a key word
deletedalmost 9 years
I had a dream where I was naked, tied up with ropes, and pulled through a cornfield.

pls help doc