Mike dude, you're s**t (I'm not gonna re-prove it cause nova already did). And according to what I've seen here on EM the more sh***ier the players are, the more they talk.
[insert insults and talk about how me and nova are pointfarmers in FP]
Where did I say I knew it? I said I sheeped you blindly because I didn't know about the votes so I tried to vote to not sui (and blitz)... Learn to read. You were one of the kicks thus the result is the same.
Gosh give up, admit you screwed this because you were unable to hammer right as a clear.
So not only did you lie about knowing you had the hammer, you failed to comprehend that I CAN'T KICK TWICE AND THEREFOR WAS NOT THE PERSON THAT TRIED TO VEG YOU.
I didn't kick twice. "it's not my fault I hammered wrong" enough said. And no I didn't know it because I was reading back in the game and I didn't know if there was one or two votes on Evance. You just kicked on me when I was reading to make me mishammer on purpose. You're bad, that's all. Kiss.
And you only talk about a single where you voted a clear and kicked when I was reading thus I voted quickly the guy you voted (didn't have the time to count if it was crossed) to not blitz when I did say I didn't fos him. Then you mishammered once again.
Nova I started with a 42% win rate and won a gold stomping on people that were crying on the forums about my winrate. I wonder what yours would be like without 2.2k games of Fancy Pants.
The funny thing is Nova talks crap about everyone who plays FP