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Sneaky hidden EM emoticon? o. o

over 9 years

Inspired by Croned's post on finding a hidden role image. I remember a ways back I was able to find Epicmafia's collection of emoticons image which can be seen on this url:

Note that wildrat/chipmunk/meanmarsupiallooking emote in between ghost and bunny. This guy ---> What is it even? And why does it not exist as an actual site emote?

To be sure if it can be used I looked up the site emote commands and they returned: ":)", ":(", ":o", ":|", ":p", ":@", "o.o", "o_o", "zzz", "-@", ":3", ";)", ":bats:", ":boar:", ":rip:", "<3", ":wolf:", ":bunny:", ":ghost:", ":snake:", ":knife:", ":doge:", ":star:", ":rainbow:", ":horse:", ":mermaid:", ":rose:", ":bump:", ":clock:", ";-;", ";_;", ":cookie:", ":hammer:", ":panda:", ":penguin:", ":pizza:", ":sheep:", ":shotgun:", ":tiger:", ":unicorn:", ":cupcake:", ":cat:", ":fox:", ":turkey:", ":santa:", ":christmas:", ":snowman:", ":candycane:", ":lion:", ":cake:"

None of which refer to that rodent thing. So um, I guess I just wanted to share this finding : )

Snoop [dog/lion/rodent]
24 signed
Sign this petition if like me, you also like to spend your time snooping around on EM for no good reason whatsoever.
What is your favourite rodent?
EM User Yogi
Prairie dog
Guinea pigs
over 7 years
where's the rat option ...... this is not democracy
over 7 years

Yogi says

What the fck

bye nogi
over 7 years
there's also the weird face next to the :O face that has no command
deletedover 7 years
this is pretty creepy
over 7 years
shoutout to em user yogi
over 7 years
did you try :wolf:

idk the emotes im searching for a list of all the emotes that isnt one after the other but on seperate lines because i cant read that
over 9 years

Creamsicles says

Oooo~ You found an easter egg! I legit thought it was a bat at first, but that might be bc I'm in a game with brobat right now lol

Did anyone notice the little curvy line next to its right ear? What's up with that? It looks like it's partially colored in. It might be part of tiny tiny moon so werewolf could be totally legit :3

Ooh yeah an easter egg! Bless how appropriate for this coming holiday. Also that little curve thing is the bunny's nose actually, I just sucked at cropping properly : P
over 9 years
Oooo~ You found an easter egg! I legit thought it was a bat at first, but that might be bc I'm in a game with brobat right now lol

Did anyone notice the little curvy line next to its right ear? What's up with that? It looks like it's partially colored in. It might be part of tiny tiny moon so werewolf could be totally legit :3
deletedover 9 years
What the fck
over 9 years
Wolf is another emote. It's the black wolf with a blue hat one.
over 9 years
since it's a werewolf,shouldn't :wolf: work? or is it another emote?
over 9 years
Lol I've never thought of it as a werewolf but omg it does! It prolly is one. Sad there's no text command for it.
over 9 years
it looks like a werewolf