deleted over 9 years This could've been Giga if he didn't decide to dodge me.
mod me and i'll blow through the reports and also remove my harassment violation
Slow says why is it that rondar is doing no reports meanwhile kino does 100 the last time rondar did a notable number of reports was 2012
deleted over 9 years
why is it that rondar is doing no reports meanwhile kino does 100
BiIIStickers says Slow says put on itunes for like 20 minutes and you can get at least 15 done if you try. If sweeper tries you need to move the decimal point a bare minimum of 1 place there sweeper has a playlist called 'one report' with over 15 days of music in it
deleted over 9 years
Just got an AdSense ad about distributing and producing local films except it has a picture of Liam Neeson
Slow says where's hima when you need her... slowly (but surely) putting all of the GRS reports in IP. but not for now, oh no. for LATER.
deleted over 9 years
Slow says put on itunes for like 20 minutes and you can get at least 15 done if you try. If sweeper tries you need to move the decimal point a bare minimum of 1 place there
deleted over 9 years
where's hima when you need her...
i think they've all been too busy trying to get this right
deleted over 9 years
Slow says honestly reports aren't even hard to do Yeah but half the mods only want to be mods to be cool and internet liked and the other half are busy with the 7 pastebins already this round
deleted over 9 years
put on itunes for like 20 minutes and you can get at least 15 done if you try.
deleted over 9 years
honestly reports aren't even hard to do
every mod
late night tables sure do suck
deleted over 9 years
i think you should only be allowed to play on alt accounts if you're a certified cool bro who wouldn't do nefarious alt activities.
deleted over 9 years
yeah i agree
Slow says haha soda just tried to lobby camp giga it's not even the isp why i'm avoiding him; the guy runs on three accounts every round. he should at least have the courtesy to not play with runners on his non-primary account
Honestly I'd literally be in first if I wasn't getting games thrown/people suiing out of on auto/vegging on auto
The Amount Of Roofed Games Is Too Damn High