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Role Idea: Farmer

over 9 years
  • 3rd party
    • wins if someone vegges in game
    • mmm delicious vegetables
I hate vegetables
it was auto why did you veg
spams username for 1 minute
why did you join game if you were gonna afk
your internet sucks
stop slow rolling
over 9 years
OH! He needs to 'harvest' all the vegged players! Like one a night. So if there's only one then easy win but if there's more/ almost all players then it's over. =D
over 9 years
what happens if the farm vegges
over 9 years
petition to rename farmer to rick grimes
deletedover 9 years
Role name: Farmer

Role description: On n1, the farmer will not win once someone vegges. The farmers soil starts off at a pH of 9. Each time someone vegges or suicides, the pH of the soil turns slightly more acidic. The optimum pH for planting celery is 7. When the soil reaches a pH of 7, the celery can be planted. Each day it must be watered, and fertilizer must be applied. If these conditions are not met, the farmer will die. Once the vegetable has grown (takes 2 days) the farmer will win the game. The farmer starts with 3 watering cans. They can be stolen and if anyone visits the farmer they will take a watering can. The farmer can also choose to douse someone in water, which does nothing.

Wins if grows his celery
over 9 years
I think he needs maybe a day or two to "harvest" the vegetables. Then again CM can autowin n1. But this needs to be a thing bc it'd be v funny
deletedover 9 years
ive got a role idea, the gunsmithsmith.
over 9 years
This should be a real Sandbox role but make it be able to joint with town/maf/other thirds
deletedover 9 years
bad role
over 9 years
Starts with shotgun in case of aliens with tails.
over 9 years