Lashka says animegayboy69 says the british guitar band hype cycle is so predictable and routine it's funny They're usually better than the American equivalents though america doesn't pretend that guitar bands are commercially relevant anymore
deleted over 9 years
thebrontosaurus says BearGuru says Is the mod team legit getting slashed by 3 this weekend? yeah, i'm drafting up a new roster right now and will leak it super smash style within the hour. I fully trust you to make the right calls. I'm glad you're back
"sandbox needs a representative too, so maybe siramelio will be added to the team. Comp has too many reps, so jen is probably out. Jackhammer is a clone of rondar, so he's out too."
NicoIe says Nah forreal though edark, I outed as cakerz lol if I already knew it beforehand, Im pretty sure everyone knew
mikalis is hydra-ing with dan on thebrontosaurus right now i'm not even joking
deleted over 9 years
Who's stepping down?
BearGuru says Is the mod team legit getting slashed by 3 this weekend? yeah, i'm drafting up a new roster right now and will leak it super smash style within the hour.
deleted over 9 years
Make Lashka or Connor admin
terra tried to start up a convo with me when she was seraphinite and it made me uncomfortable
deleted over 9 years
Nah forreal though edark, I outed as cakerz lol
which question connor are you talking about your application
genneh. u forgot about my question again
deleted over 9 years
Mod leak: I am terra and laurierose
Germatron says another mod leak: calvin is still in mod chat so is dan tho
MalcolmX says Edark says I havent paid attention to this site at all and missed the juicy drama, someone make a recap!!1 Appleofmyeye (The PJ's GF) is Terra. O__________O
deleted over 9 years
Jen you're stepping down? Noooo
deleted over 9 years
another mod leak: calvin is still in mod chat
the real reason i'm stepping down:
deleted over 9 years
Edark says I havent paid attention to this site at all and missed the juicy drama, someone make a recap!!1 Appleofmyeye (The PJ's GF) is Terra.
deleted over 9 years
Is the mod team legit getting slashed by 3 this weekend?
deleted over 9 years
Mods should have to have at least one trophy and admins should have to have at least two
i have the people skills required to be the best admin
I havent paid attention to this site at all and missed the juicy drama, someone make a recap!!1
deleted over 9 years
thebrontosaurus says Aesop says i have long hair, a knife collection, and i listen to megadeth when i was in 10th grade, there were these 12th graders who were total losers who fit this description. my friends and i were walking back from Checker's and found them throwing knives at the grass behind the elementary school in fedoras and trench coats. It was pretty weird. Actually throwing knives is a slick thing to pass time.