i wear hats, from time to time
IMakeUQQ with the classic "this person who is me did nothing wrong" defense
deleted about 10 years
Can you imagine the girl he stalked for weeks on end to get that photo from a distance, just so he could pretend to be a 16 year old girl from California
forum ban IMakeUQQ for being betrayal
betrayal is the only normal user that should be site-banned
deleted about 10 years
On the one hand, if he's successfully swooped up another ~60k mafia points without getting figured out, kudos On the other hand, autism
I like pie and everyone should like pie;.
but is fleurs betrayal? maybe that's what we should be asking ourselves
deleted about 10 years
miheo is fleurs
Idk kerry said that was betrayal i just took her word for it she seems to be knowledgeable about things
deleted about 10 years
i don't know. that seems like something betrayal could say, perhaps
deleted about 10 years
you are one to speak!!!!!! who is this qualitymechanic fellow???
deleted about 10 years
betrayal isnt miheo
i don't think betrayal is miheo
AsbelLhant says Yeah but do you _________ yes
deleted about 10 years
i think he was miheo too
deleted about 10 years
betrayal's back, to suck at mafia
Yeah but do you _________
writing words is cheating