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Round 261 Discussion

deletedabout 10 years

Congratulations to the winners of Round 258!



Basic Logic

Sex and Lies



Strong Man




Jan 2.0

kill all mods v2

Good luck to the participants of Round 261!

Join the competition!!

about 10 years
about 10 years

appleofmyeye says

connor please just stop talking

its a game

a game that determines who trophies
deletedabout 10 years
he literally gave up and self-voted as both town voted the mafia and i didnt need to read the 30-something minute day to realize that
deletedabout 10 years
connor please just stop talking

its a game
about 10 years

Connor says

projectmatt says

Connor says

he had a whole 3 way to play out, and a partner to reference his reads on.

Wrong. He outed an open FOS on the two town and even defended Grizzly. He only voted Grizzly at the very end when the game was already blitzed.

He was going to misvote and cause a loss.

"actually you're wrong, both jenna and I voted the mafia and conman decided to vote himself and kick instead of voting his FoS which was grizzlybear"

are you saying calvin lied here?

Well, look at the voting logs. He only voted the mafia after Conman had already lost the game.
about 10 years

projectmatt says

Connor says

he had a whole 3 way to play out, and a partner to reference his reads on.

Wrong. He outed an open FOS on the two town and even defended Grizzly. He only voted Grizzly at the very end when the game was already blitzed.

He was going to misvote and cause a loss.

"actually you're wrong, both jenna and I voted the mafia and conman decided to vote himself and kick instead of voting his FoS which was grizzlybear"

are you saying calvin lied here?
about 10 years

Connor says


The town literally fos'd the town, and seemed to be preparing to vote the other town.
deletedabout 10 years
pj you should refund that game after reading it
deletedabout 10 years
why is this such a big deal?
about 10 years
about 10 years
about 10 years

Connor says

he had a whole 3 way to play out, and a partner to reference his reads on.

Wrong. He outed an open FOS on the two town and even defended Grizzly. He only voted Grizzly at the very end when the game was already blitzed.

He was going to misvote and cause a loss.
deletedabout 10 years
sometimes i wonder why conflict resolution in the internet age is so tumultuous
about 10 years

caroline says

Connor says

i was gonna say... i dont wanna disagree and look like i dont want caro to trophy or anything... but i didn't get it at all

You said mod in game = refund did you not

that's not actually how it works. what i meant when i said that is that moderators will only decree a game to be winnable by town if a moderator was in the game to make the case. unless your appeal was a troll, in which case, you got me
about 10 years

projectmatt says

Obsession says

pjm is just being stubborn he knows hes wrong but he doesnt want ppl 2 get a trophy

I really hope you're not obtuse enough to think that I'm intentionally refusing to refund two games because I don't like certain people.

u arent?
about 10 years

Obsession says

pjm is just being stubborn he knows hes wrong but he doesnt want ppl 2 get a trophy

I really hope you're not obtuse enough to think that I'm intentionally refusing to refund two games because I don't like certain people.
deletedabout 10 years
also newjerseynutjob
about 10 years
Retti i'm not even connor sux though lol. give me some tokens and i'll come up with a fun alt though :)
about 10 years
who cares if calvin fos'd two town at lylo. he had a whole 3 way to play out, and a partner to reference his reads on. you know how reads can change, and things become more apparent when mafia are revealed. the calvin report decision is hugely worse than my report decision
deletedabout 10 years

Connor says

i was gonna say... i dont wanna disagree and look like i dont want caro to trophy or anything... but i didn't get it at all

You said mod in game = refund did you not
deletedabout 10 years

Connor says

Jackhammer says

Suggestion: constructive criticism

is that a response to me

general statement really
deletedabout 10 years
mods have gone too far this time.
deletedabout 10 years
how dare mods
deletedabout 10 years
newjerseynutjob plussed my post and it all the backing i will ever need

connorsux is a lifestyle, it is not just an account
about 10 years

BlackBattler says

projectmatt that is a terrible ****ing decision and you know it. You literally just judged each teams skills instead of refunding because someone broke the rules. How either side played is irrelevant because he broke the rules and gamethrew

He did break the rules and gamethrow, so I gave him a gamethrowing violation. (Correction: ISP)

There was an equal chance of the town or mafia winning regardless. If we're referring to the game where the town made pretty much no indication that they were going to lynch the mafia while the mafia were playing a game that seemed like they could give them a win, then I don't see why I would refund it. If there's no obvious indication that the town would have won, then it's not a refund. Period. Show me otherwise and I'll retract.

As for the other game, Jenna and Calvin are both strong players, but so is Turquoise. The other mafia had a fairly decent chance of winning. Strong players screw up and misread each other.

In fact..

35:28 catboy
the only teams i see here are jennaxo and ConMan, jennaxo especially for her sick townread on GrizzlyBaer16 and then 180 flip
35:30 catboy
on that read

Calvin fos'd the two town in LYLO.