Hello and welcome to EpicMafia!
Firstly, I would just like to say congratulations for making a fine decision and joining this fantastic community. We've a plethora of different characters, of whom I'm sure that all of you fine newcomers will find a great pleasure in meeting!
I see that you've made it to the forums. Well done! But what can you expect to find here? Well, thanks to our useful categorised sub-forums, you won't struggle to find what you're looking for (the Food and Drink sub-forum is especially a hoot).
Though if you really want to make friends on this website, then I advise that you utilise the Complaints sub-forum to the best of your ability. This is where you can immediately join the fray of EpicMafia forum posters. You'll be sure to find all of the energetic, charismatic and friendly regulars such as Sims, Slow, Retti, Peta, Shivv, justrec/Idiom and many more!
The type of conversation you will find in the Complaints sub-forum is broad and diverse, you'll find plenty to talk about. For example, feel free to discuss the incapabilities of every single moderator of the website, talk about how Jericho was once a cheat in various thread style editions, have a friendly argument about how Vancy may or may not have sucked at being an admin, speak about the potential that Jasper has, complain about how you are not a moderator and that every other moderator is part of a circle jerk, and many more...
Again, welcome to EpicMafia! I hope you enjoy your stay :).