This is the thread where we guess who flex is and we are all wrong. I think he's crypto.
deletedover 10 years
Is it really vash hahahahaha
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its vexium everyone :^)
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I don't believe bill has the time to play 5 gold hearts of mafia on two separate accounts every day.
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Vifam is long gone. Bill is a solid guess to be honest.
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Okay, it is vifam on mafia steroids.
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Is that the best you can do sons
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> crypto
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His playstyle is pretty volatile to be insanoflex anyway. He definitely doesn't spare feelings.
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See the rest of my statement.
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[10:37:04 PM] Jerry: I haven't played on EM in forever
not jerry
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i'm chris hansen
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It would be really cool if it was insanoflex
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Flex is none other than Alan Hansen.
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It is. Hopefully it's right so I look really cool on EpicMafia Forums.
deletedover 10 years
This is a wicked hypothesis
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Well given it's an obvious take from InsanoFLEX, it's either Jerry or someone who was friends with him. And if it isn't Retti, and it's someone active, that'd leave Bill really.