deletedover 10 years

This is the thread where we guess who flex is and we are all wrong. I think he's crypto.

over 10 years
incoming Flex post from me:
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Sims says

it's me. I'll post on my flex account to prove it

Nice try
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I think you're good kyle
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you must overrate me a lot if you think i could get a pie chart like that.
over 10 years
it's me. I'll post on my flex account to prove it
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is it kyle
over 10 years
apostasy is camping this thread, report this noob camper
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No it's not
over 10 years

Harrold says

It's Arcbell.

I thought this for approximately 10 seconds before deciding it wasn't him
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It's Arcbell.
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you'll never know unless you try
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knowing sonseray he'd probably still genocide me with the lot anyhow lol
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Jackhammer....If you spill the beans on who flex is Apostasy won't genocide you with the rest of the mods
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dammit i accidentally deleted flex's post I feel horrible
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I guess that's why you are the mod and I am the mod slayer
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I'm fairly certain I know who it is
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okay feel better friend
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Flex says


Hey who are you you're really good
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Jackhammer says

Probably, which is why I implied it might be. It honestly is not even that bad of a guess

Do you actually know? Because I do not feel like crypto and loreli are such crazy guesses
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keri says

sonseray are u playing hearts in 1 hour

Idk I feel REALLY bad
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Probably, which is why I implied it might be. It honestly is not even that bad of a guess
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sonseray are u playing hearts in 1 hour
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If vexium wanted to tryhard he could probably get an 80% winrate
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no it obviously is not vash though it'd be freaking awesome if it was