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Cheerio, Jono!

deletedover 10 years

Guess who's back. Back again. Riot's back. Ban a cheat.

So, I figured I wasn't the only person wondering how someone with no apparent skill whatsoever (Jono69) was rolling to huge amount of SK vs Mafia wins. And then I noticed this: - Man. Poor Jono gets N1'd as killer. And suddenly halfway through the day, Benji15 has connection troubles and has to leave. I really wish I could have people suiciding out of my autolosses, too.

Perhaps, all is not as it seems. Perhaps, the dark forces are at work. Let's have a look for more games with Benji15, shall we? - Now, not a lot happens in this game. Nilla is shot N1 and town have an easy win, with both Jono and Benji on town. There is one very weird thing. - Benji... townreads himself?! That's normal behaviour. Very normal. Not remotely indicative of some multiaccounting. No sirr-ee. And the fact they don't talk at the same time at any point is pretty standard. Mhm. - Benji mafia, Jono Doctor. The killer shoots Jono N1, and Benji shoots the killer. Jono doesn't even talk in the GY so I can't compare timestamps for multi activity. Still, all is going well for Benji until D2, when he cc's hit. Standard behaviour right there. Then he kills LAMELAMELAME... his hit cc, N3. Autoloss. THAT'S GOOD. - Jono solos as killer in this game with Benji, but for some reason it's unspeccable. Shame. I did ask Scholsey about this game to see if he remembered it, and this is the response: - Well. Lol. - This game has the first and thus far only instance where they talked at the same time! While this is pretty easy to do with Alt + Tab, it should still be noted down. Both of them are town. At absolutely no point do Benji or Jono FoS each other, and after mafia shoots killer N2, mafia is lynched D3 without a single town dying. Nice play! - Pacifist vegs N1. Nothing to see here. - What's this? A game Benji wins (as killer) and Jono loses? My my, this must be seen at once. Jono is the Doc. Doesn't doc Benji's killer shot, but that's not a good idea anyway. Nilla shoots Jono N2, whilst being shot by Benji. So Jono can't get his buddy lynched. Shame. Benji against the world, now! Benji instantly claims doc, despite the doc being dead. That's good, not trying to get himself lynched or anything. Town NL though. Benji promptly cc's hit on the final day, and then FoS's the unhit all day. Somehow Triggerman votes wrong, but Benji couldn't have done anything more to get himself lynched. Jono seems pissed in the Postgame. - Jono mafia, Benji BP. Jono shoots the killer N1. Benji, as BP, cc's doc D1 and gets lynched. Normal stuff. Doc dies, and Jono wins the Lylo. Benji saves the day once more! - Jono Fiddler, Benji Watcher. Benji handily afk's so he gets shot D1. Jono then gets lynched. Britleigh bizarrely suicides D2. - Jono Framer, Benji blue. Benji is fiddled, and does the normal thing of saying nothing at all til the shot goes off (this time, it isn't him who gets shot, though!). He then self votes at the day end. Sadly for him, fiddler got shot and paralyzer lynched, so Jono is confirmed mafia D2 when Benji is inno'd. RIP Jono. - Jono and Benji are both blue. Jono gets N1'd. For the first time, Benji actually tries hard to win! Shocking! He correctly votes D1 although town lynches the real cop, but town easily win thanks to Benji's pro scumhunting. - Ohey, I'm in this game. Hi everyone. Jono and Benji are both blue in VDLI this time. I (as mafia) tunnel Jono D1, while Benji tunnels me. Jono tunnels Benji, which is odd, unless he wanted GY vision to solve it for him. Jono gets hammered D1 because I'm just that good. D2, magically, Benji gets both of myself and Mack right (timestamp 12:42). This despite the fact I'd basically kept Benji alive. After Mack gets hammered, Benji's amazingly correct FoS's lead to me being hammered. Hmph. - Jono paralyzer, Benji blue. Fiddler gets hipfired. Benji does absolutely nothing all day and gets lynched. Mafia get Jazznation lynched D2. Easy win. - Benji blue, Jono sheriff. Benji gets N1'd. Jono shoots right without his help, and lynches right too. Easy town win. - Jono cop, Benji framer. Jono gets a guilty on the paralyzer D1. Shocking. Para gets shot, fiddler gets lynched D1. Jono completes his work by copping Benji N2 and winning D2. GOOD WORK CHAPS! - Benji cop, Jono watcher. should be noted Jono actually didn't watch Benji that night. Jono catches the framer, though. And town go on to a easy win shooting and lynching all the mafias.

Before this point, there were absolutely no games with Benji. This was from Day 4 of the round onwards. Weird that.

And now, we come to the crowning glory: - Undercover Detective Corruption sneaks in, with sidekick SchoIsey, to observe Jono after we'd noticed his suspicious activity. Benji and Jono are both BP's, and the Epic Detective Team are both Scum. I hit Benji D1, suspecting he'd get lynched and testing to see if that would give Jono Graveyard vision. Scholsey suspects the same thing when we're voting Benji d1. I then hit the doc save as killer N2 (pretty pro strat, imho). Jono (hit by Scholsey) correctly FoS's me as killer who hit doc save almost immediately (and not mafia who NK'd, which would be much more normal). When everyone else refuses to lynch a hit claim, Jono absolutely refuses to lynch the lurky/coasty HiipFire and forces the lynch on Scholsey. Shocking that. Jono briefly reconsiders his FoS on me D3 but goes back to it and pushes for me to be hammered in the end. Sure enough, town win. The most beautiful case of GY vision I have ever, ever seen.

Bow down and kiss the ring
I love Riot
Jono sucks
over 10 years
oh look its cow and weeaboo
deletedover 10 years
Orly is mad
deletedover 10 years
Orly is trying really hard
over 10 years
You've done it again, Riot. You've successfully proved you have too much time on your hands.
over 10 years
I love the flavor text from the guy that reported EpicMafia to AdSense for flavor text. Some great irony there.
over 10 years
Isn't the last game summary a confession of OGI with Scholsey? Someone report pls
over 10 years
Basically, if you cheat while Riot is running, this happens:

deletedover 10 years
Nah I don't think they're the same person. I got that impression early on but further in it seemed pretty unlikely.

Also, too much GRS gets you banned.
deletedover 10 years

the logic here is that instead of GRSing, jono would play the game and and try to GT so that town wins.

deletedover 10 years
deletedover 10 years
Both these poll options suck.
over 10 years
Man I havent seen a cheating thread in a long time
over 10 years
i wish i knew what that meant
over 10 years

How convenient that he didnt wanna kill Jono and that I got guiltied by Jono :x to make even more sure it was autolose, Benji framed the Sheriff instead of his 2 blue ccs lol.
deletedover 10 years
Jesus Christ what the hell
over 10 years
Look at the sexual tension between Skepticism and Alise tbh
over 10 years
deletedover 10 years
Go away.
over 10 years
u get banned
deletedover 10 years
I can't get alise to leave me alone, soda. What do I do?
deletedover 10 years

alise says

skepticism cheats w silhouette, no need to thank me

Yeah we do a good job of hiding our cheating by tunneling each other all the time so no one expects anything =)
over 10 years
sssh fIower (capital i in the name)
over 10 years
skepticism cheats w silhouette, no need to thank me
deletedover 10 years

caroline says

haha REKT

This was the turning point.
deletedover 10 years
appleracer LMFAO