Hello I made a setup called Guns Spies and wolf You can find the setup here https://epicmafia.com/setup/1135609
Note: a part of another setup has been copied and i turned into multi but cant find the page anymore
But if you know the setup the new maf roles are:Spy, Illu, sabotuer, Asso,thief, And the old one were: fabricator
Why did i put these in here?
Spy:should joint with werewolf and help him get roles
Fabricator:since this multi now its hard to think about the gun is fabbed or a sabotuer gun
Sabo: can sabotuer sheriff or gs gun make it less obv than receiving 2 guns
Thief:can steal the gun from the guy who received gs gun
Illu:can also joint with maf and outmatch gs for fake gunning
If you like the setup idea could you upvote?