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Guns spies and wolf

deletedover 10 years

Hello I made a setup called Guns Spies and wolf You can find the setup here

Note: a part of another setup has been copied and i turned into multi but cant find the page anymore

But if you know the setup the new maf roles are:Spy, Illu, sabotuer, Asso,thief, And the old one were: fabricator

Why did i put these in here?

Spy:should joint with werewolf and help him get roles

Fabricator:since this multi now its hard to think about the gun is fabbed or a sabotuer gun

Sabo: can sabotuer sheriff or gs gun make it less obv than receiving 2 guns

Thief:can steal the gun from the guy who received gs gun

Illu:can also joint with maf and outmatch gs for fake gunning

If you like the setup idea could you upvote?

Do you think this is a fun setup to be ranked?
over 10 years
you copied my exact same setup and made it even more townsided. come on now
deletedover 10 years
in setup 1 scum is significantly weaker than the rest of the setups. bad setup
over 10 years
Looks like a fun setup
deletedover 10 years
Wow such insult much pain
over 10 years
Your name is sh*t
over 10 years
Shitcurity I think your setup ranked would be fun
over 10 years

LanaDelRey says

change your name

over 10 years
You could go to the mods and ask them
deletedover 10 years
Are you gonna me pay the tokens than
deletedover 10 years
change your name