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over 10 years


over 10 years

Lalchimiste says

I don't understand the point to not let play who want to play it.

over 10 years
over 10 years
I don't understand the point to not let play who want to play it.
deletedover 10 years
deletedover 10 years
i thought you were saying who unbanned xvirus from training lobby
over 10 years

Evol says

happy0wns come out and fight me like a man and get your face pummeled into concrete

holy ****
deletedover 10 years
John wtf
over 10 years
Thanks for the professional tip :)
deletedover 10 years

Glacial says

Protip: While this setup is admittedly pointfarm bait, it's also one of the setups where players can mind**** the other players the most and it's a lot of fun.

pros: pointfarm cons: people can lose a systemic pointfarm and that results in
over 10 years
happy0wns come out and fight me like a man and get your face pummeled into concrete
deletedover 10 years
Protip: While this setup is admittedly pointfarm bait, it's also one of the setups where players can mind**** the other players the most and it's a lot of fun.
over 10 years
Hood did it
over 10 years
i'm embarrassed to even be seen here
deletedover 10 years
i am going to reban it (:
over 10 years
It was me.
over 10 years
Competition is currently put on hold by site moderators.
over 10 years
l o l
over 10 years
I'm gonna get on my knees, would you kick me in the face please.
over 10 years
yeah but when is the new round gonna start
deletedover 10 years
I permanently banned Sims
over 10 years
i permanently unbanned it.
deletedover 10 years
It's just for a couple days before the new round starts, friend
over 10 years
it was me