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Epicmafia players I respect

about 10 years

Only because of their skills, despite their nature and attitude towards other things

  1. Brownpimp007
  2. Atikur
  3. Connor
  4. Legendary
  5. thjkb
  6. godofdarkness
  7. scholsey
  8. runwithfire
  9. dezeriae
  10. shacky
  11. projectmatt
  12. rutab
  13. shini
  14. shiv
  15. sirius
  16. steven
  17. giga
  18. foolonthehill
  19. lolwot
  20. carolineeee
  21. soda17
  22. ark
  23. pony
  24. devante
  25. goodbar
  26. turk
  27. erica
  28. billstickers
  29. Tatami
  30. Chicago
  31. Venus
  32. Nown
  33. Zhuorb
  34. And ill add more if i recall anybody--

the above are the players who actually have what it takes to win.

They can adapt to situations and they know the inside of the game.

they can see what is not obvious

they can manipulate situations

they can get into the nerves of people when required and they can look at the game from all angles required

most of these players falter a lot many times and do stupid things, but they still possess the skills to get my respect

very soon i will profile each one of the above

others are mediocre

any other player who has won has either won by breaking rules or have gotten lucky or have had friends help them

I might have missed some names though

about 10 years

retti says

turk says

now i find myself looking up the splits of old users and being fascinated by them like a huge dork

makes you wonder why the skill level was so high compared to now when regulars consisted of soben and co.

soben was basically pranay to the older vets
about 10 years
that list is not a sequence lolwot. all are in the same pool
deletedabout 10 years
I demand to be placed above Scholsey

deletedabout 10 years

mandevian says

If the skill level is so low, why cant you play retti?

because the game doesn't interest me that much anymore, i only play when one of my friends is
about 10 years
If the skill level is so low, why cant you play retti?
about 10 years
also bluefish played just 4 games with me in that whole round. 2 of which i lost. your try hard attempt to get a silver was ruined despite so many friends that you played with. even connor grsd on my autowin. i never cheated. mods only banned me coz they thought i was abc. your attempt was pathetic. like you.
deletedabout 10 years

turk says

now i find myself looking up the splits of old users and being fascinated by them like a huge dork

makes you wonder why the skill level was so high compared to now when regulars consisted of soben and co.
deletedabout 10 years
are there people actually upset that pranay didn't list them here
about 10 years

mandevian says

Katie says

nobody respects ark

you too are awesome-- but there is that difference between two kinds of players. ark knows how to get into your nerves as a player. but you are just too sweet to do that.

@arcbell-- you are just a puppet dude. earlier you were my puppet, now you are nobody's puppet, but still a puppet kinda player. slow like a snail.

@turk- i forgot to mention you. you belong in that list for sure. and erica does too. billstickers too.

i hope that's your way of saying ark is a massive jackass because he totally is
about 10 years
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say pranay i think you take this too seriously
deletedabout 10 years
i hope u enjoy ur cheater gold pranay that you got by farming a setup that shouldnt have been allowed to be played comp
about 10 years
it's a numbers game for me
deletedabout 10 years
:( pranay is the only one who makes me mad hes like the bluefish that got away...
deletedabout 10 years
tay don't engage who cares. it's a guessing game
deletedabout 10 years

mandevian says

volt threw for yoite if you were yoite. blatant gt. not just one game, but several games. against mandevian and for yoite. jan2.0. joining my games and suiciding when i had autowins. and joining your games to meta with u. you even made a thread that you later deleted, where you invited meta buddies . thread title was "my meta buddies". and you had connor, volt, and gira to help you run. you failed miserably

that was satire on bluefish, idiot
deletedabout 10 years
i do remember contemplating throwing against you after i quit modding but u made it easy on yourself...
about 10 years
volt threw for yoite if you were yoite. blatant gt. not just one game, but several games. against mandevian and for yoite. jan2.0. joining my games and suiciding when i had autowins. and joining your games to meta with u. you even made a thread that you later deleted, where you invited meta buddies . thread title was "my meta buddies". and you had connor, volt, and gira to help you run. you failed miserably
deletedabout 10 years
volt never threw for me he played like 1/3 of my games. i mean if he was going to throw why bother playing my games then?

it was pretty apparent you and bluefish were cheating but lucid doesn't believe his mods.
deletedabout 10 years
i think you got mad i promised to make him some curry
about 10 years
volt threw for a lot of people
deletedabout 10 years

mandevian says

volt threw for u in the round i won my first gold. and you guys still lost

how did volt throw for me?
about 10 years
volt threw for u in the round i won my first gold. and you guys still lost
deletedabout 10 years
wait sorry turk ur not the fat one my bad...

deletedabout 10 years
volt is #1
about 10 years
i forgot to add endorphins in this list. and volt too.