who is him? hima? bdog? in both cases no rogue nation, antman, or mr holmes
Jokes on you dbog, I have ingested bleach everyday for the past 5 years in an increasing amount. I am basically immune to bleach now. However I would still vote Donald Trump for a good laugh. ban him?
oh i got ninja'd by two people since i was going to reply to anna i will reply to anna + the other two yes but so should you for saying the t[redacted]y word a fortinos bagel no, anna should not be sitebanned for being sishen. would you rather drink bleach or vote for donald trump?
3 oz of maple syrup Should Anna be sitebanned for being Anna?
deleted over 9 years
Yes. :meetterry: what's the last thing that you have consumed?
You Should meetterry be site banned for being meetterry?
I love my zaddy. Who is your least favorite of the epicmafia infamous.
deleted over 9 years
Togepi Do you like Kenny?
deleted over 9 years
sylveon what do u usually order when u go out to eat
deleted over 9 years
robin from teen titans (the original teen titans not the trash remake) fav pokemon
the pie mcflurry cartoon character you would marry?
deleted over 9 years
daddy Favourite McDonald's dessert?
to not be broken if you could choose whether you were born knowing how your life has turned out would you
deleted over 9 years
the antlers - epilogue what is your dream?
deleted over 9 years
strawberry cake!! fav song by ur fav band
Chocolate and vanilla ice cream cake.
THE TOWER OF TERROR if you could have any kind of cake you wanted for your birthday cake, what kind would you want?
golden labs!!! best ride you ever been on?
Tamashiii says africa best Country that isnt africa? edit: i got ninja'd but im too lazy to change my answer Africa isn't a country.
a centipede (i hate bugs) what's your favourite dog breed?
REFUSING TO LET THIS THREAD DIE (real answer, going to the beach w my 3 friends ^^ jersey shore :D) what's the grossest thing you have ever seen IRL?
currently it's Why won't they talk to me by tame impala what's one of your current highlights of your summer so far?