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answer the user above you

about 10 years

answer question, ask question

if someone doesn't ask or answer a question in their post you can ignore it and just respond to the last question

almost 10 years
Negative, that's against the cafe dressing code.

When was the last time you were in a relationship, a serious one?
almost 10 years
Glasses on girls or men without excessive acne are cute.

Do you wear hunting boots to work?
deletedalmost 10 years
rejection, and i have another one but it's a bit lame

do you think glasses are cute?
deletedalmost 10 years
samsung galaxy s3

whats your biggest fear?
almost 10 years
idk if anyone has, but i haven't

what kind of phone do YOU have?
almost 10 years
A Not-an-iPhone, best phone on the market in my opinion.

Has anyone recently watched Napoleon Dynamite?
almost 10 years

what phone do you have
almost 10 years
(S A D B O Y S worldwide)

hungry hungry hippos hands down

What was the last film you watched?
almost 10 years
I don't because for some reason the paint in my room comes off easily, which I found out during my first attempt to put up posters. My room now has awkward whiter spots. S a d b o y z. I would've put posters of picturesque landscapes, nighttime city skylines, inspiring quotes, cliche stuff. Also games-related posters.

Woops question. What is your favourite board game?
almost 10 years
I'm a bad judge of pies since I haven't eaten many so it'd be apple pie (probably just because the ones I got were poop to begin with tho)

do you decorate your room with posters? if so of what? if not, why not? if you could, what would some of those posters be?
almost 10 years
i like banana cream pie

what is your least favorite pie flavor?
almost 10 years
mlg scrub wreckers club penguin

What is your favorite pie flavor?
almost 10 years
My favorite word is... probably someone's name.

What was the first internet community you participated in?
almost 10 years
It changes, currently it is "Whatsuppup," a colloquial word not found in many dictionaries.

What's yours?
deletedalmost 10 years
because i have people here that are dear to me

what's your favorite word?
almost 10 years
it dries my already dry skin out

why are you on this website everyday?
deletedalmost 10 years

Why do you not shower every day?
deletedalmost 10 years
no. I rememer I used to have Yu Gi Oh cards or whatever and my friends made fun of me because they had Pokemon cards so I ended up throwing them out instead of learning to play them

yes or no
almost 10 years
Green Tea

Do you still play Yu-Gi-Oh?
deletedalmost 10 years

Coffee or Tea
almost 10 years

Vodka or Rhum
almost 10 years
Audacity beat me. Mustard race

Whiskey or Tequila
deletedalmost 10 years
Yes, I love horoscopes! Im a Cancer.

Mustard or Mayo?
deletedalmost 10 years
apple pie!

do u ever check ur horoscope?
deletedalmost 10 years
I sure don't! I just have the regular Wii.

Do you like pie? If so, what is your favorite kind?