Arcbell says yourdad says my grandmother is the best troll ever. everyone thinks she has alzheimers, but she doesn't really, she just loves pissing off my uncle (i get the wink every now and again) I get the wink once in a while too. :D
yourdad says my grandmother is the best troll ever. everyone thinks she has alzheimers, but she doesn't really, she just loves pissing off my uncle (i get the wink every now and again) I get the wink once in a while too.
there's great metaphor to her too
my grandmother is the best troll ever. everyone thinks she has alzheimers, but she doesn't really, she just loves pissing off my uncle (i get the wink every now and again)
yourdad says who the heck is dad... motherf*cker He's a troll.
dad says Leading shows input and weakness, making them self-vote shows true power and a complete refusal to fall beneath to the ranks of the common people. More or less this. There's a few minor strategic differences but they don't really matter to people.
who the heck is dad... motherf*cker
shut up already shiv, ur an idiot
deleted about 10 years
yourdad says yourdad says holy on shiv, let me tryhard for 500,000k points then maybe i wont be such amassive loser lmfao this post was gr8 as a flagrantly incorrect masterpiece of every post you've made.
Leading shows input and weakness, making them self-vote shows true power and a complete refusal to fall beneath to the ranks of the common people.
yourdad says holy on shiv, let me tryhard for 500,000k points then maybe i wont be such amassive loser lmfao this post was gr8
yourdad says i like to play fast n loose n hipfire girls when another girl or someone named "mcschlong" dies n1` whatever works for you man
edark y r u pickin on me :(
who r u mira? thx for throwing me in with the vets btw :D
Shivv says i hope you're enjoying being expelled from university surrounded by your national medals in art and also, not to forget, math. hahahaha
deleted about 10 years
do another Nabokov post
u know if u say ur sick pregame, or have ur age set really high, ur more likely to die n1? people play god in epicmafia games, basically - kinda like the kid burning ants with a magnifying glass, as if to pretend the sun isn't burning him too
this game actually disgusts me most of the time
selfvoting is stupid as , but I do it whenever Im too lazy to scumhunt for myself
i like to play fast n loose n hipfire girls when another girl or someone named "mcschlong" dies n1`