over 9 years

hello i am scum and you can be too

There is nothing wrong with userscripts, and unless you're a jackass there is also nothing detectable about userscripts. A userscript is not a "hidden link." A "hidden link" script is any unseen script executed via a link (such as through img or url tags).

A userscript is a script that you choose to run and that only runs for you yourself. One example of a userscript is emjack, which provides handy features not providing any unfair influence over the game but simply improving your experience. Such features include /ping (as opposed to copying every name manually) and automatically selecting the mafia icon for partners in the mafia meeting so that you can more easily recall them (as opposed to doing so manually).

Public versions of emjack have and will never support fake quoting or other actual exploits. Autokick isn't even properly supported, although autokicking is not an exploit. What's the difference between a script quickly kicking someone and the host quickly kicking someone? As far as you can prove, nothing. Mere conjecture.

If you would like to use emjack, you can add it with tampermonkey or something. Nothing about it can be detected as it only serves to offer a layer of user-friendliness that em should.


over 9 years
Yes connected to lobby chat this would make EM lives indefinitely easier
over 9 years
Sure but where would they see in the invitation? If they are connected to lobby chat, I could do a pop up.. Do you mean by email?
deletedover 9 years
right um lucid can you also add the feature do invite people to games?? like they get a pop up or something... and to invite someone you can just type in a symbol followed by someone's username
over 9 years
Ok then I'll build it
over 9 years
what word? I sent kino a list of features as requested, I assume the mods will pick and choose and forward what's left to you

unless you just want to stick the file in as-is, which wouldn't be a very good idea since it's old and not fully functional anymore
over 9 years
Great features! How to use this ingame? Please send me a PM with instructions.
over 9 years
if you made an auto-kick with a variable delay of 3-7 seconds people wouldn't have been able to tell anyway
over 9 years
just give the word foxie
over 9 years

admin says

Hey foxie, I can just build this into the game... If it is ok with you and everyone? We can have moderators decide on which features should be included, and I'll hack it in by the end of the month. I'll have to redo the in game view anyhow, as I am building a mobile web version of the lobby and mafia game ATM.

I think the best way to implement it would be for unranked only, since from my understanding, Sandbox players are the only ones who use these features and I think this benefits them the most.

If this was allowed in ranked there would be some problems, and I think there would be complaints (unless you implement a toggle feature that is set to "off" when you first join)
over 9 years
I would like this too, but I want to be able to select what I want on and off...
over 9 years
Yes i would highly enjoy legal and in-game use of this script. Specially the autokick part.
deletedover 9 years
deletedover 9 years
THANK YOU LUCID & FOXIE this is going to be great
over 9 years
I figured that Foxie would have something to say about this topic, and just as God hears prayers, Foxie has answered the call.

Thank goodness it was received well.
over 9 years
ty foxie and lucid
over 9 years

admin says

Hey foxie, I can just build this into the game... If it is ok with you and everyone? We can have moderators decide on which features should be included, and I'll hack it in by the end of the month. I'll have to redo the in game view anyhow, as I am building a mobile web version of the lobby and mafia game ATM.

does this mean we can autokick error again
deletedover 9 years
free error
over 9 years
Hey foxie, I can just build this into the game... If it is ok with you and everyone? We can have moderators decide on which features should be included, and I'll hack it in by the end of the month. I'll have to redo the in game view anyhow, as I am building a mobile web version of the lobby and mafia game ATM.