about 10 years

thebrontosaurus 9m 31s
I'm making this clear: Do not use scripts to autokick people from games. You can receive Hidden Links violations if you do this. Please manually kick people. Thank you.

I banned error for using scripts after issuing him multiple warnings. error is now unbanned. Banning a user for using scripts was the rule of the website, I was simply following moderator policy. I have no affiliation with error or anybody else involved in the reports. Please understand that I was just doing my job as a moderator.

TheBrontosaurus, a site Administrator, has made it clear that for using an autokick script, a Hidden Links violation will be given from now on instead of the usual Site Ban (which is given for using all other scripts).

Thank you and my apologies.

almost 9 years
I just want to know why that has special treatment
about 10 years
since when do threads made by ex mods get necroed o.o
about 10 years
Since when are scripts and hidden links the same thing.
about 10 years
This is a civil discussion m8 keep yer tongue in yer mouth or ill shiv ye
about 10 years
boar i will ban you i swear on my mom
about 10 years
Pfft. Recreational scripts / scripts to assist a host shouldn't be banned. It literally makes no sense.
about 10 years

its not like hes using a vote spam script.

I hate those with a burning passion. The floods. ;_;
about 10 years
the point is that if you let one slip you have to let them all slip
about 10 years

SpiritOfFire says

Giga says

I banned error for using scripts after issuing him multiple warnings.

our hero!! this is truly wonderful news--

Giga says

error is now unbanned.



But seriously, whats so wrong about using a script to ban annoying people instead of manually going to them and clicking them to ban? It's harmless its not like hes using a vote spam script.
about 10 years

Giga says

I banned error for using scripts after issuing him multiple warnings.

our hero!! this is truly wonderful news--

Giga says

error is now unbanned.

deletedabout 10 years
TBH Noc he could just modify his script to give him a warning when someone on his list comes in and then manually kick.

Not that I'm encouraging rule breaking or anything ;)
deletedabout 10 years
Oh I see, the rules were changed.
about 10 years
it was not special treatment.. he has the violation..........
about 10 years
you do know that there is a such thing as an excel document

how about this: don't join games in which you're unwanted

here, i'll help you out. https://epicmafia.com/setup/1017249 is the link to the official sandbox setup. you can create your own game there!

now stop trying to annoy people just because you cant join their games.
deletedabout 10 years
So why did he get special treatment?
about 10 years
error cant remember all 420 of the people he had on his kicklist so we are all free to annoy him now ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)