Jupiter says Brand New is not a good band. Thumbs Up this post if you agree nah son
Brand New is not a good band. Thumbs Up this post if you agree
deleted over 10 years
Jupiter says Brand New sucks anime sucks, you dweeb. while you're using anime, i inject positivity in between my toes.
Jupiter says Brand New sucks deleted over 10 years
just read up and its brand new nvm although i bet you'd be a fun sport
deleted over 10 years
take me instead
Cantankerous says juneau says i'll go with you bear if its in north carolina but its not a date and im not putting out i'm gay cool then we won't have a problem at all and i can tell people in the future that i'm not a homophobe because i went to a concert with a *** once
deleted over 10 years
juneau says i'll go with you bear if its in north carolina but its not a date and im not putting out i'm gay
Aw I'd go with you to see Brand New :(
I wanted to see Brand New when they were in London, but tickets sold out almost immediately and my friend who I wanted to go with didn't say yes until a few days before the gig. Sigh.
i'll go with you bear if its in north carolina but its not a date and im not putting out
just livestream the whole thing from your phone. epicmafia will protect you
deleted over 10 years
Justice, Knight of Swords, Four of Wands Yes Take Retti.
It's worth the drive imo.
it's dangerous to go alone, take this
deleted over 10 years
i'm gonna lock this thread if one more person tells me this is a Dangerous Undertaking
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i have to agree with orly again though i dont like his approach i recommend going with someone as you dont want to fall asleep at the wheel
deleted over 10 years
Orly says you know what's really dangerous? driving out to a concert 8 hours away, alone. take my advice and go find someone to go with you. i've done this drive before by myself at midnight
you know what's really dangerous? driving out to a concert 8 hours away, alone. take my advice and go find someone to go with you.
deleted over 10 years
i recommend not meeting up with someone over the internet, it'd probably be safer to go find somebody you like just as orly says
deleted over 10 years
i mean i'm still going, but it's just gonna suck. plus i just discovered it's in oakland, not sac, so it's gonna be an 8 hour drive, which just owns so hardcore.
Brand New is definitely worth the 6 hour drive, dude. Don't fret.