Hello Main Lobby,
Due to the structure of the lobby merge, there are a lot of players from Comp Lobby, as well as people with newer alts who don't have the 1500 points in Main Lobby to enter the competition. That being said, we're giving a week after the current Comp Lobby round ends to give people time to get up to 1500 points to enter the competition. We're hoping this will also build some hype for the competition as well.
Lucid is building the "Featured Setup" feature for us, which will allow us to set certain setups to earn double points with wins using red hearts. This should make the process a bit quicker too.
Trophy winners from the previous Training and current Comp rounds will each be entitled to one setup choice in celebration of the 1st Main Lobby round.
The new round will start one week after the current Comp round ends. Go play in Comp Lobby for your chance at the last ever Comp Lobby set of trophies!