deleted about 10 years
deleted about 10 years
it was i
deleted about 10 years
i was the winnger
"Projectmatt - Cutest contestant of EMI Season 1" Lol, u 2 r qt
I'm having extreme deja vu as there has been no activity for a few days now...what's going on apple?
Been away and it's finally happening. Do I need to resend my entry? :S
Winningduh says Postponed or nah Guessing it's postponed y;
deleted over 10 years
Betrayal says do we really get tokens if we place top 3, and whats the maximum number of accounts we can enter with how does it help to use more than one account or are you just that stupid bro
can you even scumhunt?
do we really get tokens if we place top 3, and whats the maximum number of accounts we can enter with
deleted over 10 years
Goodbar anyone can enter. So yeah you can.
I'll enter later, and I swear to God if the category is ever country music I'll kill you lloyd because I know it'll be all your fault.
deleted over 10 years
Love says Kelly says Love says 1st place right here LOL tay has inspired me to sennd one in u never sent me one tho coming @ u live tomorrow morning
Goodbar, you just need to PM apple a demo either through soundcloud or some other recording website...then PM it to appleofmyeye. You can also post it here if you wanna share with us :) As far as the deadline apple, idc we've waited this long for this contest to be a thing...what's a few more days...
khnm said he wantd to play
You don't have to ask for something like that
Goodbar you ask me if you can enter
so what i can send in something now or do i post to be asked to be entered?
What is wrong with the deadline and answer my question please I was ignored as a child
Extend it if you want to I'm pretty sure I sent mine so if you didn't get it just let me know
deleted over 10 years
Blegh everyone is asking me to extend the deadline and I didn't get like any entries. Should I extend it?