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almost 10 years

Anonymous mode was created in an attempt to eliminate strong meta from games by concealing the identities of players, however it is flawed:

it is optimal for town to out their identity to allow for them to be read more easily via meta. to hide meta is to avoid being read via meta which conceals your alignment. as town you want to be read as town, so claiming your identity helps you be read as town and thus it is optimal to have claimed.
mafia will be forced to out their identities else they be shown as mafia for hiding it. mafia cannot claim to be someone else as they risk claiming to be someone who is alive or if not, they can be "guise" tested.
this is the flaw of anonymous games. until anonymity is enforced, which will never happen, they will be fatally flawed 4eva.

However, what anonymous mode DOES prevent is from meta or grudges from affecting NIGHT 1 actions, until then it's optimal for everyone to out their identities.

what i propose is a more streamlined version of this: all users are replaced by colours (don't bother with custom decks) for the first night, akin to anonymous mode, and upon day 1 start all names are revealed and system messages reflect player names instead of the colours to prevent confusion. obviously those who share meetings can share their identities

this setting would only apply to night start setups. Day start has no night 1 and dawn's only purpose is to see your teammates, which this setting hampers.

almost 10 years
How am I supposed to guise properly
almost 10 years
How am I supposed to fearkill then
almost 10 years
i see no flaws with this idea