almost 10 years

is in 229 days, on February 22nd.

It is also the day that an earthquake killed 185 people in 2011, but more importantly, it's b0oty's birthday!

Post ITT if you're pumped.

almost 10 years
or 02/17
what has a better riiiiiiiiiiiing 2 it? NOT URS MINE
deletedalmost 10 years
February 17th is a better date.
deletedalmost 10 years

KillHimNotMe says

was it when u looked in the mirror too long lol

upvote this if u think it's funny :)
deletedalmost 10 years
was it when u looked in the mirror too long lol
almost 10 years
Now I know what horrible tragedy caused my hard drive prices to skyrocket.
deletedalmost 10 years
well that is definitely not the reason i stopped - like i said, there was no reason at all
almost 10 years
i mean not cu u did but because mike posted here lol *runsaway*
almost 10 years
me too lol
deletedalmost 10 years
ok i am going to stop posting on now for no reason whatsoever
almost 10 years
lmao earthquake
almost 10 years
I wasn't pooing
deletedalmost 10 years
remember to wipe front to back, not back to front
almost 10 years
Lol no i am on my phobe so i cant spam as fast as u lol
deletedalmost 10 years
pooing is literally the best time to post on forums
almost 10 years
Lmao fuc u hah im pouing *** off
deletedalmost 10 years
the chubby one in the bumblebee costume
deletedalmost 10 years

i am as fat as the girl on the left
almost 10 years
Even if i laughed in real life im going t pretend i didnt becsuse u seem to think im in pout mode heh i mean not heh
deletedalmost 10 years
wtf i think imgur is bugged that was supposed to be a picture of how fat i am or am not
deletedalmost 10 years
almost 10 years
deletedalmost 10 years
well just guess based on the way i type :/
almost 10 years
I dont rly know what u look like sorry
deletedalmost 10 years
same goes for bubble baths

do you think i'm fat
deletedalmost 10 years
if you pout when people tell the truth then people will stop telling the truth!