Once upon a time, there lived a large and lustrous king under the name of Arcbell. Arcbell was engaged in folly and a connoisseur in distance. He would often undermine the peasants that lived among him. A counsel was imposed to work alongside him, but Arcbell chose to value his own opinion over the counsel. Though not one with rude intent, King Arc unfortunately was inept as a leader of a large kingdom and simply did not contain the experience to keep things running smoothly; as he was not raised in a royal family. In fact, some had speculated that his rise to the throne was simply a poor mistake.
Alas, the people were deeply unsatisfied with the actions of their new king - and each day new problems would surface in the kingdom. Famine, murder, controversy and tears were rampant while the peasants heard nothing from their mighty king. However, word spread fast and far that many from within the kings own royal palace were starting to revolt as well.
And yet, the reign continued, and King Arcbell wanted to do nothing but cleanse the site of its own inherent problems - but unfortunately, noble intention is not inherent to noble execution. After one hideous ordeal involving King Arcbell giving a sword of power to one who was previously exiled from the grand kingdom, the citizens, the peasants and the rich all cried out in unison for their Gods to hear them.
And none did.
At least, that's how it appeared. However, the God of Phillip was looking down on that day, and he saw the destruction and the depression and the anger, and He quickly put King Arcbell to a quiet rest to appease the uprising of the kingdom. Stronger, more competent peasants were appointed as the new kings. They swore a sacred vow to rule over the kingdom forever, and make the land profitable, illustrious and beautiful.
arcbell is made an admin public opinion of arcbell decreases over time riot reports epifmafia.com to google for cp lucid gets angry and tells the moderators to clean the forums arcbell mods anyone who asks to help clean the forums, in his haste he mods abc abc does things for 15 minutes abc is demodded public opinion of arcbell is so low, people cry to lucid for a new admin people vote on new admins the winners are bronto/nikki