about 10 years

keep it civilized you pigs

and don't post facebook links that's stupid

about 7 years

about 7 years
about 7 years

deletedabout 7 years
Should've taken off the gloves. No point touching the kitten if you can't feel its fuuurrrr!!! :fufu:
about 7 years

about 7 years

im sleepy
about 7 years
about 7 years

Do snap videos count as pics?? I rly liked the clown filter on snapchat :(
about 7 years
i wish i could unsee things
about 7 years
Wuss rly gurd??

about 7 years

I'm too cool for you.
deletedabout 7 years
about 7 years
Shoutout, we had to stop, there was too many pictures of gingie i couldnt take it anymore
about 7 years

Anthony says

Just realized I never posted a pic in here before.

about 7 years

Saffary says

uhhhhhmmmm idk what to write here so hey guys heres my face and a reflection over my glasses you cna barely see my eyes but this is what youre getting

still a catfish
about 7 years

Tartosis says

AgentBigBird says

What % of EM users do you think posted a pic?


Ok that makes me feel better.
about 7 years

Tartosis says

AgentBigBird says

What % of EM users do you think posted a pic?


I am the 99%
deletedabout 7 years

AgentBigBird says

What % of EM users do you think posted a pic?

like 2 percent
about 7 years

AgentBigBird says

What % of EM users do you think posted a pic?

about 7 years
What % of EM users do you think posted a pic?
about 7 years

harodihg says

the lighting on that picture is great, if you didnt have the horse head on that'd be good tinder pic material

tinder is for plebs.
Also i can crop it :P.
deletedabout 7 years
the lighting on that picture is great, if you didnt have the horse head on that'd be good tinder pic material
about 7 years
People tend to ask why the long face.
deletedabout 7 years
uhhhhhmmmm idk what to write here so hey guys heres my face and a reflection over my glasses you cna barely see my eyes but this is what youre getting

about 7 years
is ur shirt inside out?