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another ranking thread

almost 6 years

comment and ill put you in order of how much I like u first 30 obv

lol do i even have 30 friends? no.

copying jeff, alex, and syd because why not? let's fill general discussion with ranking threads again

are you
a dog person
a cat person
almost 6 years
srsly do me ;)
almost 6 years
a dog person sided thread
almost 6 years

Jeff says

Also I laughed at you thinking you’ll stay top half XDDD

he stayed top half
almost 6 years
ye ye
almost 6 years
rolling for 30th
almost 6 years
hey is for losers
almost 6 years
hey :D
almost 6 years
hey :D
almost 6 years
hey :D
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
char do you remember that time I defiled you in jail
almost 6 years
laugh at my joke
almost 6 years
Also I laughed at you thinking you’ll stay top half XDDD
almost 6 years
I concede-de-de :(
almost 6 years
Then so would 15 Captain DeeDeeDee
almost 6 years

Jeff says

14/23 isn’t too half you incompetent math shít

14/30 is tho and she's doing 30 u buttferbrains
almost 6 years
14/23 isn’t top half you incompetent math shít
almost 6 years
choo choo
almost 6 years
im the caboose of the top half
almost 6 years
top halfers unite
almost 6 years
I got bottom half I’m cAckling
almost 6 years
if i missed you out its because 1) i didn't see your post or 2) you dont matter enough
almost 6 years
i would like to participate c:
almost 6 years
oh no i have diarrhea *farting noises*
i adore you
almost 6 years