Rigby modded for a day for subbing in for me in Family Feud
my life long dream of being a mod has been fulfilled!! HELLO WORLD I AM REBORN!
Modded female to help with broken games and stuff :D
Hefestion is getting a chat timeout.
Actually miscounted the number of vios, unban date set to when
https://epicmafia.com/report/264265 expires
BlessedBaphomet has been banned for accumulating 3 community violations, unban date set to when
https://epicmafia.com/report/260940 expires.
Amendment: Notes count as half of a vio if the user has gotten a vio for that rule, otherwise a full vio under this system. For example, if a user had a note for HC and a vio for HC, it would count as 1.5, while if a user had a note for RS and a vio for HC, it would count as 2. A note for RS and a note for HC would also count as 2.
New Rule in Sandbox:
Having 3 active
Community Violations will now result in a ban from Sandbox Lobby. The ban will expire when a user has less than 3 active Community vios (they should notify me or a mod to request the unban). This was implemented to have a definitive rule in Sandbox other than moderating case-by-case, although there will be some leeway for Site and Forum Spam violations. If there is a user with 3 or more community violations at the time of this rule being made, they will be banned only if they accumulate one more vio.
Pear somehow beat my high score in 3D pinball... grumble grumble
Unbanning HoldenRye's main account to give him one last chance to play games like a good person.
Congratulations HoldenRye, you're banned.
Aquarius was modded because it's her birthday! Yay!
Happy birthday yellowpear! Welcome to the mod team
YellowPear Leper Guevara modded for birthday! Happy birthday!
Temp mod here. Feel free to try and gain my favor for site cred.
I'm using my meme mod status for good, shutting down all broken games
User "bigboyfortnite" was banned for saying bad things in chat! Because he's new it'll be a 24hr ban.
https://epicmafia.com/game/6859032this is my dog Milo

his permanent head tilt is caused by an ear infection that we were able to stop before it turned into meningitis
milo meningitis says thank u
dooze Milo Meningitis has been modded for the rare occasions she's actually here.
I didn't have any official rules page so I'd just like to make this announcement here:
In line with the updated IC rule in regards to discussion involving pedophilia, I have decided to ban all discussion involving it. If you have an accusation of someone discussing pedophilia, use the report system or pm me. Keep in mind that IC does not apply in games, or off-site.
Discussing pedophilia as well as any kind of IC will get you a minimum of a 24 hour ban from wherever you did it (chatbox, lobby comments, forums).
Basically, just THINK before you say something on here.
Oh yeah groshu was banned for 48 hours for spamming pedophilic comments in games.
https://epicmafia.com/game/6841832This was a while ago so 30 hours left of the ban