over 6 years

On 17th October, 2018, user SHENANIGANS suffered two humiliating losses against EpicJotto player Irredeemable. Rumour has it that SHENANIGANS has yet to be seen again in public after the groundbreaking event.

Witnesses claimed that though the last they have heard from SHENANIGANS were mostly inaudible grumbling, there were a few sentences that may tip the authorities off for the users' whereabouts. "I'm goNnA gET thIS w0rd", one witness claimed to have heard. "I still cannot forget the horror in her voice when she said that."

If you have any information regarding SHENANIGANS' whereabouts, please kindly dial your local police and notify the authorities.

23rd, October 2018

User bazzainver has also gone missing. UPDATE: Bazzainver was found with his battered body stuffed under a bridge later on. Investigations are still ongoing at the moment of report.

Users Reiyo, Kaushy1411, Akiva, SinB, SteelixMega, July, brandon, WildB, PraiseLordHelix was also reported to be last seen on the same day.

Please refrain from confronting any dangerous individuals in the following days. In the meantime, it was heard that staying in refuge of EM user jela increases your chances of survival because their cuteness keeps this onsurge of evil in bay.

Who will be the user to stop this killer at large??

over 6 years
come out of hiding
over 6 years
I'm ready for round 2 Possess
deletedover 6 years
I am totally not a beyblade character
over 6 years
BeyBlades any1?
deletedover 6 years
I am the greatest Jotto player of All Time
deletedover 6 years
i'd beat you all in FIFA and COD, and HALO, and most of you in NBA 2k as well.
over 6 years

Possess says


this just in: i've beat you like every time we've played since you put up this thread. i was just rusty that first game.

Excuse me did you just overlooked the wins I had over you tonigHT

I stARTED with a WIN and enDED with one

lies and slander.
over 6 years
It's true, i lost to datguiser
over 6 years

SinB says

it's not hard to beat Possess, I've done it twice already.

Brotha go home you have never even came close
over 6 years
Also I thought we were EM lovers weren't you supposed to like have my back and we can make a cute 2 man circle jerk
over 6 years
it's not hard to beat Possess, I've done it twice already.
over 6 years


this just in: i've beat you like every time we've played since you put up this thread. i was just rusty that first game.

Excuse me did you just overlooked the wins I had over you tonigHT

I stARTED with a WIN and enDED with one
deletedover 6 years
So we are in a rock-paper-scissors.

I beat Matt, Matt beat Possess, and Possess beat me.
deletedover 6 years
I beat soda one time by random guessing in 4 attempts
over 6 years
this just in: i've beat you like every time we've played since you put up this thread. i was just rusty that first game.
over 6 years
can't believe im being publicly shamed smh
over 6 years
over 6 years
I may be dead but Alyssa STILL BECAME MY VICTIM
over 6 years
Soda I just want you to know that Alyssa saw this thread after you bumped it and now I have no dignity left.


Still dead btw
over 6 years
matt kicked my
over 6 years
If you ever see user "matt" in a game of mafia make sure you N1 him.
over 6 years
Btw that someone was me (matt)
over 6 years
Update: em user possess (formerly irredeemable) killed themselves after losing to someone

All those killed in the process have been avenged. Thank you.
over 6 years
Fwiw, contact user powerofdeath and when he's available you two should do a match

P.s. he's really fckn good
over 6 years