about 7 years

I am tired of this site, no matter how much I try to stomach the drama around it while I just wan't to relax and play mafia-themed games.

Finally, I got enough of the bs here after being banned simply for involving myself in some unfortunate event, and was unfairly banned for 'laughing at the matter instead of helping'

Perhaps this is a sign to tell me to simply move on, and spend my time on other stuff instead of being an egotistical here.

For those who have yet to know or wonder, yes I am user Azai and formerly GotConverted, a member since 2012. Those who knew me a year or two back probably found me to be very nice and kind, and recent me has become some of the most toxic and egotistical . I will not go very detailed about my change, but it is because i have mild autism and after leaving high school I start to lose connection to outside world and my social life, hence I spend most of my free time here playing games and acting like I am the real sh*t while really I never was.

I will hereby apologize to every people I have harassed, insulted, or being rude. I hope three years later this site will miraculously become better and much more active, and if not, I hope that it will just get shut down some time if the dramas and stupid bullsh*t like this still happens.

Tl;dr Yes, I am finally going to leave this site. And unlike other people who create a dramatic post speaking about their leave only to make a dramatic return, I am going to purposefully get banned so I can stay off this hell hole.

I hope you're happy, person X, for your actions have successfully caused me to run into this decision. Do not take this as an insult, because I am myself a very pessimistic person and have always been positive about leaving should any ill fate chance upon me. But my final message to you is, stay strong no matter what happens because everyone lives with a purpose.

For the mods: You should've known, I am user grin, fabulous, GotConverted, Azai, TrueKing, TheLittlefinger.

almost 7 years
Just send me your account info bruh
almost 7 years
We're all ganna miss you <3 you will always be one of my besties on em. CuteChloe and I are ganna you lots <3
about 7 years
Damn I liked GotConverted.
about 7 years
Oh , I didnt know you are gotconverted. You are right, got is so nice. Azai is also, kind and smart.
If you think leaving this site is your best move, I wish you happiness and success. Otherwise, Where the hell are you going, got?!!!
about 7 years
I wish you all the best in life, bro. GL.
about 7 years
You're a bit late to this one Bear, four days in fact
about 7 years
another one bites the dust oof
about 7 years
stay golden azai x
about 7 years
wait i thought you two were different people
deletedabout 7 years
I'm Sry u been treated this way pal. You're not the first person the mods are maniacally pushing away.

Sad state of affairs. But hey I'm being told we have to respect the mods because they have a ban hammer and if u speak against them then ur a harassing menace.