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EM Role Descriptors

about 7 years

Hello again, this time I've got an in-game script that adds a link to the learning page to words that mention them. Don't remember the exact values for clockmaker? Just click on anywhere someone said "cm" (the plugin makes it a hyperlink so you can't miss it) and it'll bring up the page for you. I hope this will be useful for people that are still learning what all the roles do.

The plugin works by scanning each new message, linking both official role names (grabbed from an API) and slang names that are hardcoded into the plugin. Mentioning any slang names that I forgot to add in would be appreciated. Also point out any bugs to me, I'm sure they're there.

The script requires Tampermonkey for Chrome or Greasemonkey for Mozilla. It can run in tandem with EMJack or the EM Enhancement Suite.



Will this help the new player experience™?
I am a great pro, I don't need this
needs more deck recipes
over 6 years

Shwartz99 says

oh and remove "det" as an alias for detective because there's a detonator now too

det is still p much only used for detective though
over 6 years

stalk - stalker
tor - toreador
friendly - friendlycop
exor - exorcist
demo - demolitionist
sold - soldier
jack - jackripper
vice - vicepresident
necro - necromancer
whistle/whist - whistleblower

maybe aliases (haven't been used enough)

resur - resurrectionist
tm - troublemaker
qb - queenbee
sq - snowqueen
rm - rainmaker
hk - housekeeper
gh - ghosthunter
gr - graverobber
cl - catlady
sv - supervillain
pc - partycrasher
keep - jailkeep
neigh - neighbor
over 6 years

admin says

ok removed det and added vigilante

ill compile a list for you
over 6 years
ok removed det and added vigilante
over 6 years
oh and remove "det" as an alias for detective because there's a detonator now too
over 6 years
yeah definitely one of the important aliases needed is "vigilante" for vig because its coded as "vigil"
over 6 years
added this! i'll eventually make it so mods can add extra aliases to each role too
over 6 years

admin says

yea, i can build this into the game, but only for accepted roles to start off with

awesome thanks lucid!
over 6 years
yea, i can build this into the game, but only for accepted roles to start off with
over 6 years
lucid please add this thx
over 6 years
over 6 years
@whoever is working on it

I'm not using it because I don't need it, but thanks for all you're doing. This really can be helpful for new players. Hopefully it can be stickied in the forums and used by everyone (who needs it). Thanks!
over 6 years

view says

idk if you're alive or not but
lil display issue

yeah that can happen but it happens when you mouse over a role normally anyways so i blame that one on lucid
over 6 years
idk if you're alive or not but
lil display issue
almost 7 years
v1.3: Merged my code with Shwartz's code. Adds the ability to see role descriptions when you hover over the hyperlink, plus a few new aliases.

Thanks, Shwartz! That was a really good addition.
about 7 years
For some reason I had to manually update it
about 7 years
Did you update to 1.2? I should have fixed that.
about 7 years
sometimes a random
about 7 years

Shwartz99 says

its still pretty bugged :(

Anything in particular? I haven't actually had many problems and I've played a good amount of games.
about 7 years
its still pretty bugged :(
about 7 years
v1.2: Roles are highlighted in logs and system text also. Fixed a bug where anything starting with punctuation got borked (including emojis)
about 7 years

sl0nderman says

day 1 patch....... sloppy..........

There's a good reason I work development and not QA
about 7 years
Hey this isn't bad. Nice work!
about 7 years

sl0nderman says

Bebop says

sl0nderman says

day 1 patch....... sloppy..........


don't reply to me every again

about 7 years

Bebop says

sl0nderman says

day 1 patch....... sloppy..........


don't reply to me every again