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Survivor Lobby's Big Brother

over 7 years

What is it?

This is a Big Brother game where we will involve pretty much almost every single members from this lobby. As of right now, we almost have 200 total players. All of you will compete in a Big Brother game until thstrong textere is one last player standing. We will be starting this tonight at 6:00 PM EST

Hosted by:

This game is hosted by some of the most popular hosts:

powerofdeath, matt, cjn104, withered, Ally, Marry



How does this exactly work?

At random time time throughout the day, we will post a quick challenge for someone to complete. The first person to complete this challenge will become the Head of Household.

Once they become the Head of Household, they must make their 2 nominations. Those 2 nominations will be up for eviction.

The entire players list will then have 60 minutes to PM the host that hosted the HoH challenge who they want to evict.

The most votes after 60 minutes will then be evicted from the Big Brother House.

This cycle will repeat multiple times throughout the day, and is expected to last about 1-2 weeks.

There won't be a Power of Veto competition [may be added when the players size go down] and the Head of Household cannot win back to back.

In an event of a tie. We will simply wait for the next voter to vote. So if we have not posted the result after 60 minutes, you can still vote!!

Think of this game as The Gauntlet version of Big Brother. Not everyone will be online obviously, some of the players may not appear online for the entire game even.

Prime Time Double Evictions

During Survivor's Lobby Active Hours, we will be hosting three double evictions. Everyday at 6:00, 7:00, and 8:00 PM EST, we will be hosting the HoH competitions.

HoH winner will instead make 3 nominations. 2 players will be evicted in those 3 hours. Voting will last 45 minutes instead of your usual 60 minutes. The players can choose to either vote to save, or vote to evict 2 players.

On the first day of this game we will not have Double Evictions. This won't start until the 2nd day and all of the following days.


The final 17 have made jury! That means there will be 15 people voting for the winner at the very end! Good luck!

Secret advantages:

Throughout the game, we will be giving out some of the secret advantages. They can be quite powerful and useful for your game. One prime example is: Extra Life.

Secret Advantage Challenge is now in play!

Read this comment on page eleven!

Anything else?:

If you wish to not play in this game, just hit one of us in PM and we will take you out of the game. No questions asked.

Current List of Players:

Updated Spreadsheet:

deletedover 7 years

matt says

Yeah you guys have to tell me what moves/ alliances were made behind the scenes once this ends.

Expect a Survivor version of this in Spring.

hmu on Skype i wanna help host
over 7 years
thx for the support homies
over 7 years
eat markus uprizzle lelmoo firepsychic all voted for jack

all other jurors except for cute voted for SirAmelio!
over 7 years
Alright well, since cute’s vote would not matter. I’m going to announce the results on the Lobby Wall!
over 7 years
did i get my argentinian silver yet
over 7 years

cute says

u guys make this hard

can i vote for myself? i’m the real power player here.. i told u guys to evict highspace and he was evicted next day

We are all waiting on you btw :p
over 7 years
nikki i voted for you to win in the elections hoh vote for me to win this............
over 7 years
u guys make this hard

can i vote for myself? i’m the real power player here.. i told u guys to evict highspace and he was evicted next day
over 7 years
hey nikki you send your vote for me to win via epicmafia pm to powerofdeath
over 7 years
hey jack
over 7 years
who do i send my vote to
over 7 years

sammy says

can y'all stop circlejerking

over 7 years
don't shoot the messenger!
deletedover 7 years

SirAmelio says

i purposely referred to it as an alliance even though i knew it was actually not, to avoid drama but since you want it

when i talk about an alliance (which was what prompted the creation of a counter-alliance i was part of) i was referring to sammy's chat zzz

Fck off that chat is dead lol can y'all stop circlejerking and crying about a chat that isn't even a thing anymore
over 7 years

cute says

i forgot to vote can i still do that

yes send "I vote for SirAmelio to win" (^:
over 7 years
i forgot to vote can i still do that
over 7 years
ok you win

over 7 years

Zoya says

I was in sammy's chat. They all hated each other... :S


jk SirAmelio is an angel...

i mean jack was in the counter-alliance (and was more active and loyal than me) so its a moot point
over 7 years
I was in sammy's chat. They all hated each other... :S


jk SirAmelio is an angel...
over 7 years
i purposely referred to it as an alliance even though i knew it was actually not, to avoid drama but since you want it

when i talk about an alliance (which was what prompted the creation of a counter-alliance i was part of) i was referring to sammy's chat zzz
over 7 years
After SirAmelio claimed that Bryce was in an alliance for this game I approached him in SHOCK. Bryce was also shook and had no idea what SirAmelio was talking about.
In conclusion SirAmelio is a LIAR and does not deserve your votes!
over 7 years

SirAmelio says

ahrre says

My jury speeck is that I have no clue what's going on

do you like meta? i like meta sometimes

i was your biggest stan in samsara while jack rooted against you!!

over 7 years

ahrre says

My jury speeck is that I have no clue what's going on

do you like meta? i like meta sometimes

i was your biggest stan in samsara while jack rooted against you!!
over 7 years

FirePsychic says


1. Describe your game in three words.

2. Pick a gif to describe your game.

3. Stroke my ego somehow

1. free for all


3. I voted you out because you were the biggest threat to my game at that moment!
over 7 years

Lelmoo says

honestly anthony asked questions I wanted to ask so I kinda came up with on the spot, so:

Both of you:
1) Who's votes are you expecting & why?

2) Why should the person next to you be crowned the winner of Massive BB

1) The only vote I'm 100% expecting is tricksterer's (inlove). Other than that, I believe there are some that would be leaning towards me but maybe my speech or my answers turned them away or they simply appreciate jack's game more.

2) I believe he played a more honest and straightforward game than I did, so if the jury values honesty, then he might be deserving of the win.