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Survivor Lobby's Big Brother

over 7 years

What is it?

This is a Big Brother game where we will involve pretty much almost every single members from this lobby. As of right now, we almost have 200 total players. All of you will compete in a Big Brother game until thstrong textere is one last player standing. We will be starting this tonight at 6:00 PM EST

Hosted by:

This game is hosted by some of the most popular hosts:

powerofdeath, matt, cjn104, withered, Ally, Marry



How does this exactly work?

At random time time throughout the day, we will post a quick challenge for someone to complete. The first person to complete this challenge will become the Head of Household.

Once they become the Head of Household, they must make their 2 nominations. Those 2 nominations will be up for eviction.

The entire players list will then have 60 minutes to PM the host that hosted the HoH challenge who they want to evict.

The most votes after 60 minutes will then be evicted from the Big Brother House.

This cycle will repeat multiple times throughout the day, and is expected to last about 1-2 weeks.

There won't be a Power of Veto competition [may be added when the players size go down] and the Head of Household cannot win back to back.

In an event of a tie. We will simply wait for the next voter to vote. So if we have not posted the result after 60 minutes, you can still vote!!

Think of this game as The Gauntlet version of Big Brother. Not everyone will be online obviously, some of the players may not appear online for the entire game even.

Prime Time Double Evictions

During Survivor's Lobby Active Hours, we will be hosting three double evictions. Everyday at 6:00, 7:00, and 8:00 PM EST, we will be hosting the HoH competitions.

HoH winner will instead make 3 nominations. 2 players will be evicted in those 3 hours. Voting will last 45 minutes instead of your usual 60 minutes. The players can choose to either vote to save, or vote to evict 2 players.

On the first day of this game we will not have Double Evictions. This won't start until the 2nd day and all of the following days.


The final 17 have made jury! That means there will be 15 people voting for the winner at the very end! Good luck!

Secret advantages:

Throughout the game, we will be giving out some of the secret advantages. They can be quite powerful and useful for your game. One prime example is: Extra Life.

Secret Advantage Challenge is now in play!

Read this comment on page eleven!

Anything else?:

If you wish to not play in this game, just hit one of us in PM and we will take you out of the game. No questions asked.

Current List of Players:

Updated Spreadsheet:

over 7 years

yuujin says

Idk how long we have for questions. Uhh, my question is...

Did you expect to make it this far? If you could have changed anything you did before, what would it be? [Ignore either of these questions if you answered them already.]

Gj to both x

not at all, even though i've been involved with survivor lobby for a while, i'm still not really a specially active member, specially in games, so i was expecting a mid-game death and be happy with that

i mean i think every single player in the game could've done a lot more in this game, but the game didn't start out as super serious for the most part and it only got a bit more serious near the end. i would've talked to more people and made more allies and alliances
over 7 years
good speeck
over 7 years
My jury speeck is that I have no clue what's going on

over 7 years

FirePsychic says


1. Describe your game in three words.

2. Pick a gif to describe your game.

3. Stroke my ego somehow

1. the lazarus effect

context: 2002 winter olympics, short track speedskating 1,000m finals. steven bradbury is in dead last in the final turn, but the three guys in front of him crash, allowing him to waltz his way to a win despite doing next to nothing. first gold medal in the winter olympics for australia in history

3. org community icon and king of trophying in main lobby !! seriously, major props for main lobby trophies because i am seriously garbage at mafia
over 7 years

1. Describe your game in three words.

2. Pick a gif to describe your game.

3. Stroke my ego somehow
over 7 years

Lelmoo says

honestly anthony asked questions I wanted to ask so I kinda came up with on the spot, so:

Both of you:
1) Who's votes are you expecting & why?

2) Why should the person next to you be crowned the winner of Massive BB

1. i'm expecting none of your votes because then i'll be pleasantly surprised if i do get some (i assume it will be for my carefree relatable attitude and whimsical answers)

2. he didn't get voted out so if you care about that then yeah his track record is cleaner than mine!
over 7 years

yuujin says

Idk how long we have for questions. Uhh, my question is...

Did you expect to make it this far? If you could have changed anything you did before, what would it be? [Ignore either of these questions if you answered them already.]

Gj to both x

absolutely not, but i also didn't expect to initially go out as early as i did.

i don't think i would change anything i did tbh this was fun the way i played it
over 7 years

qrstuv says

ok so mr. jack~~~~

i generally liked your speech bc u were real and didn't try to exaggerate like you played some really complex amazing game. i wish u were more like serious in your answers even tho we all know this game wasnt taken that seriously. but like you made f2 might as well go hard for it hunty. also good on u winning buyback i dont hold that against you

1. other than us not speaking about the game, what reasons went into you voting me out over cute?
2. even though u were actively playing UTR, do u think u sheeped your alliance like some others are saying?

i'm glad you're enjoying my speech/answers lol, i'm trying to write legit things while also not being a hardo. but i do wanna win! ok onto the questions

1. cute by that point had made it pretty clear she wasn't gonna do anything in the game and just wanted to be saved as much as possible, you i was a little less sure about so i went with the devil i knew over the devil i didn't

2. nah like i said i offered my thoughts on who to target when the number of players was large and we had an hoh, towards the end of the game i didn't vote for a lot of the votes so can't really sheep the alliance if i don't do anything at all : D. but also come jury phase i didn't follow them all that much and just kinda did whatever i wanted at that point. for example my alliance put up markus several times but i kept him as much as i could, same with big z. but i wouldn't say sheeping, i did what i wanted to do and if it differed with the alliance oh well this was just for funs
over 7 years
honestly anthony asked questions I wanted to ask so I kinda came up with on the spot, so:

Both of you:
1) Who's votes are you expecting & why?

2) Why should the person next to you be crowned the winner of Massive BB
over 7 years

Knife says

Which animal would you describe your gameplay as being most like?

any sort of hibernatory animal because i had to disappear for the long winter's nap, or a phoenix because i rose from the ashes
over 7 years
Idk how long we have for questions. Uhh, my question is...

Did you expect to make it this far? If you could have changed anything you did before, what would it be? [Ignore either of these questions if you answered them already.]

Gj to both x
over 7 years

FirePsychic says


by proxy of saving will, yes unfortunately :/ reasoning being less likely to be nommed since i knew his sweetass wasn't winning hoh
over 7 years

SirAmelio says

On the other alliance, which I was not a part of, some of the most prominent players were tillie, bryce, and i think picante.

damn yall a mess fuh dat!!
over 7 years

qrstuv says

ok so mr. jack~~~~

ok so agustin~~~~

your speech was v informative so thanks for that. it's interesting to hear about the 2 opposing alliances and how u played both sides, slay. really wishing i approached you to work together earlier on. thanks for the pity save lol <3

1. who were the power players in each alliance? how were you brought into them?

ok das all ty for your time

I wouldn't say I exactly played both sides tbh, I was not in any point in other alliances other than the counter-alliance. I just often did votes and moves that went against the wishes of the counter-alliance, in order to prolong that battle and have the target off my back for a longer time, which went under the radar by the counter-alliance and while some of the time they didnt work, sometimes they did, but (except during the last few evictions) i was still protected by the counter-alliance, which more often than not dominated the votes (and saved me the few times I fell nominated)

1) The prominent players in the alliance I was in were eat, jack, knife, xfire, jpriced and forrest for a while. I was brought into it randomly, probably because people knew out of meta that I would be more on their side that in the other side.

On the other alliance, which I was not a part of, some of the most prominent players were tillie, bryce, and i think picante.

If there were more alliances other than that, I am not aware of them and I do not think they were truly impactful in the game.

There was no such thing as a sandbox alliance at any point, mentiniong this now since I remember some people thinking about that. But I did personally f2 tricksterer and, after she was evicted, XFire1994, both sandboxers, so that's a thing if you wanna count it
over 7 years

eat says

"Jack nominates me the next week, but I knew that Lelmoo and eat were saving me, sadly this sends my "new f2" home, but at that point, I had several ways to f2 anyways."

Unless Elmo told you, how did you know this?

It wasn't something I knew as a fact (It wasn't confirmed) but it was something I could more or less predict.

I believed that Lelmoo's deal with me after I saved him from the tie was still ongoing, and thus he was going to save me.

As for you, I just related it as a bit of meta, I believe that outside of games you are closer to me than XFire, so that was that.

Maybe I was wrong in my logic but the results worked out!
deletedover 7 years

eat says

Dari says

SirAmelio says

Dari says

lmao some people were trying way too hard to win this for attention

i only play games with the intention to win

wasn't talking about you was talking about the major alliances

I'll play a game how I want to, you play your games how you want to. This was fun for me and making fun of me for how i decided to play a game is just being "holier than thou" and coming off as a smug a$$hole.

you're a funny guy I'll give you that
over 7 years
ok so mr. jack~~~~

i generally liked your speech bc u were real and didn't try to exaggerate like you played some really complex amazing game. i wish u were more like serious in your answers even tho we all know this game wasnt taken that seriously. but like you made f2 might as well go hard for it hunty. also good on u winning buyback i dont hold that against you

1. other than us not speaking about the game, what reasons went into you voting me out over cute?
2. even though u were actively playing UTR, do u think u sheeped your alliance like some others are saying?

ok so agustin~~~~

SirAmelio says

Dari says

lmao some people were trying way too hard to win this for attention

i only play games with the intention to win

your speech was v informative so thanks for that. it's interesting to hear about the 2 opposing alliances and how u played both sides, slay. really wishing i approached you to work together earlier on. thanks for the pity save lol <3

1. who were the power players in each alliance? how were you brought into them?

ok das all ty for your time
over 7 years
okay hi final 2 i actually really enjoyed this game even if it was just a big random free-for-all, it was a cute simple side ~activity and i think it could be a great annual tournament thing for the lobby if you wanted it to be :~)

i definitely can't say i was a power player whatsoever; i perused the forum every now&then whenever i checked EM and participated when I could, but really just coasted by as a non-entity. once it got down to around the jury phase I knew there had to be some sort of alliance(s) going on that I def wasn't in so rip.

I didn't talk about the game at all except with Elmo, and eventually eat and Agus later on. Elmo/eat were clearly the most prominent players in the game and tbh deserve to be sitting where you're both sitting but i digress hehe
deletedover 7 years

Dari says

SirAmelio says

Dari says

lmao some people were trying way too hard to win this for attention

i only play games with the intention to win

wasn't talking about you was talking about the major alliances

I'll play a game how I want to, you play your games how you want to. This was fun for me and making fun of me for how i decided to play a game is just being "holier than thou" and coming off as a smug a$$hole.
deletedover 7 years
"Jack nominates me the next week, but I knew that Lelmoo and eat were saving me, sadly this sends my "new f2" home, but at that point, I had several ways to f2 anyways."

Unless Elmo told you, how did you know this?
deletedover 7 years

SirAmelio says

Dari says

lmao some people were trying way too hard to win this for attention

i only play games with the intention to win

wasn't talking about you was talking about the major alliances
over 7 years

Knife says

Which animal would you describe your gameplay as being most like?

A dolphin, smart yet selfish and doing things for their own pleasure!
over 7 years
Which animal would you describe your gameplay as being most like?
over 7 years

Dari says

lmao some people were trying way too hard to win this for attention

i only play games with the intention to win
over 7 years

Uprizzle says

there was anything even remotely like an alliance?

I swear I just floated my way to 7th place

yes, people paranoid about another alliance, made a counter-alliance about it, which eventually turned into a majority alliance once the other was mostly eradicated.